a pint of bitter

Jul 09, 2013 14:07

Dear WoW,

Last night I signed on to play with my friend. Due to our timezones and busy schedules, we had only one hour. We were at a slightly awkward juncture levelwise, having finished the quests in a zone but with one of us too low-level to go on to the next zone, so I decided to queue up my tiny little gnome monk to tank a few dungeons to get to the next level.

In the course of that hour, we got:

1) Zoned into a dungeon I don't know at all. I said so in party chat, and the healer/party lead claimed to know the way, so we took off following him. He proceeded to run us around in circles for the next twenty minutes, leading us into dead ends. I don't know whether he was trolling us or just clueless and didn't want to admit it, but either way screw you for making dungeons that are so huge and hard to navigate without a whole flotilla of little "tricks."

2) Zoned into a dungeon that was bugged out so that we couldn't get past the first boss.

3) Zoned into a dungeon that wasn't buggy and I knew well, but were greeted with a warrior DPS in heirlooms who proceeded to rush in and aggro the boss while I was still clearing trash. I told him that I wasn't going to fight with him for aggro the whole dungeon, and dropped.

4) Zoned into a dungeon that I knew well and with a group of helpful and understanding players, but with such horrific lag as to be unplayable. I tossed my barrels at a group of mobs, and then waited thirty -- yes, I timed it, thirty seconds, for the server to respond, at which point everyone in the party was dead. Another drop.

And oh look at that, the hour is up, completely having wasted both of our time. :|
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