Dear Blizzard,
While looking at the achievement lists for Scenarios, I saw that there was an achievement for
doing all the scenarios on a Saturday which gives a shiny new title too. So, I start queueing for Scenarios and diligently do all of them.
No achievement. Okay, well, I've been having some issues from time to time where I have to log out and then log back in to have an achievement show up and I recall that the first time I did the Brewmoon Festival Scenario, it didn't award me the achievement then either. Baffled, I look on Wowhead and I see this:
Completed all scenarios yeasterdy Saturday 6 of October 2012. Left a ticket to a Gamemaster and got the respone:
Scenaterday (achivment) will be released togheter with patch 5.1 (next upcomming patch)
So there is your answer why you aren't getting credited. [Typos in original.]
*headdesk headdesk headdesk*
Cue lots of QQ and "WHYYYYYYYY????" on my part after spending my evening doing all these Scenarios with nothing to show for it.
Thanks for the troll,
The Warlock who will be checking up on achievements before she wastes her time again.
P.S.: You couldn't put, like, a note or something on the achievement? Something like the Black Prince's "Coming Soon"? It looks like you should be able to get it. I can't be the only one spending her Saturday all worked up for a new title.