Jul 13, 2012 05:30

Dear Omus-Gilneas (US),

When you joined our Stonecore group, you informed us that you are a brilliant, wonderful, stupendous, magical healer. Why, you're so incredible that you don't need any of that wimpy "mage water"! Ha ha, aren't you hardcore!

Mind you, you're also a level 85 with VP gear running a dungeon rated for level 81s. So, you know, keep reaching for those stars, buddy.

As it happens, you did more overhealing than actual healing. If you were a druid this would be understandable--but as a shaman? (I mean, yes, it's really really easy to just spam out your group heals when you're running this far below your own level--but is that really SUPER ELITE HEALING YOU SHOULD BE CONSTANTLY BOASTING ABOUT, or are you just being lazy?)

And above all else, you know what healers aren't supposed to do?

Healers aren't supposed to pull. There are almost no circumstances under which it is appropriate for a healer to pull a mob--and Stonecore contains exactly none of those circumstances.

When you do this five times in a row, it is entirely appropriate for the tank to ask you to knock it off.

And, look, we get it: you're an AWESUME ELEET HEELUR I DON'T NEED YOU GUYS YOU SHOULD BE THANKING ME etc. etc. etc. You keep saying these things. But the tank is making a reasonable request. (Politely, I might add.)

So when you blow a gasket, tell us off, start aggroing stuff and ragequit, that's just childish.

The best part, though? We didn't wipe--because literally two seconds after you dropped, we had a new healer, and she was fantastic, and not once did she find it necessary to pound her chest and go OOGABOOGA I AM AN AWESOME HEALER HAVE I TOLD YOU HOW OSSUM I AM SERIOUSLY I COULD HEAL THIS IN MY SLEEP IN FACT I AM SLEEPING RIGHT NOW LOL.

Enjoy life on my ignore list.

Shadow Priest with Low Tolerance for Your Bullshit.

shaman, name and shame, fail healer, pugs

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