Wait, what happens to Koltira in Western Plaguelands?! I've only ever levelled Alliance. I should get busy and level my horde lock, there are several zones where I'd like to see the horde-side of things. (Like TwiHi!)
The Andorhal questline is worth seeing! In fact, the entire Forsaken leveling experience, from level one TO Western Plaguelands, is worth seeing because it is amazing. :D Poor Koltira, but amazing nonetheless.
Doing the quests on both sides of the faction divide is well worth it. Despite the "OMG NOOOOOOO!!!!!" moments I've encountered, it's a lot of fun to see both sides of the content.
The intro-quests for Twilight Highlands are vastly different between Horde and Alliance. Vastly. Horde has a lot more story to it.
Questing on one faction only means you miss out on half the story. And that alone is reason enough for the truly lore-obsessed to play both sides.
I've noticed that with the exception of zones like Redridge that ARE only Alliance, horde side just simply has more story to it. Even if you have Loremaster Ally side it's well worth doing horde side, even if that does mean you end up doing more poop quests.
The intro-quests for Twilight Highlands are vastly different between Horde and Alliance. Vastly. Horde has a lot more story to it.
Questing on one faction only means you miss out on half the story. And that alone is reason enough for the truly lore-obsessed to play both sides.
*total agreement to the "more story" comment*
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