Fun times. Fun times.
Deathy ran a normal instance on his most POWAHful toon, to help out a mage friend who still needed to gear up.
Milktooth, of Spinebreaker, you are an awesome tank, and will make many, many people happy when you are at 85. You managed to keep aggro even when Deathy went full-tilt on foes (with your permission, of course), and upon noting how much DPS this murloc was putting out, pulled big because "we can handle it". We could. We did... even when Deathy accidentally went a bit overkill on his tab-targeting and pulled the paired Faceless Ones at the end of that hallway. He's sorry! Your guild tag, also, made him smile widely. "TheUnforOHGODBEES". Overall, it was a fantastic run, even if it was "just" a normal.
Then, while wandering around Org, Deathy ran into "Ffluttershy", a Tauren priestess. Deathy just had to whisper you then - Deathy said that the next time you were in Raid Finder, you needed to /y "You're going to LOVE ME!" at Deathwing. You replied back, saying that that was your "scare beasts macro on [your] hunter". "For Deathwing I have the whole 'how dare you' speech".
Thank you, you made Deathy's night.
And lastly, Deathy's gotten back into tanking on his DK! ... Sort of.
See, he's still only running regulars, out of sheer panic that he'll get something he cannot handle. Yes, he's usually highest DPS as well - but this is a normal dungeon, Deathy is kitted out in heroic-or-better gear, so there's no surprise there. He would, however, like to get something other than Halls of Origination.
Especially when the other players don't bother to interrupt on the Void Seekers and their Anti-Magic Prison. Ever.
The healer cannot heal through that, guys. Deathy only has one reliable interrupt as well, so that was an "enjoyable" experience. Luckily, he did not die thanks to a use of cooldowns, but it was a Near Thing. In fact, Deathy was the only player to use any form of interrupt throughout the entire dungeon, save the rogue who interrupted a cast the final boss uses - marginally before Deathy got it himself - and only because another player had macro-spammed what to do for each of the final four, and one was "interrupt the cast Rajh does". All right, perhaps Deathy should have mentioned it earlier, but at the time he was busy not dying.
The real suck, however, was not the rogue. Nor was it the Fury warrior .
Oh, no.
It was the Ret paladin.
The one who was pulling 5.8k DPS.
At level 85.
In full Ruthless PvP gear.
With Raid Finder Gur'thalak.
And just how did this paladin pull off such a feat? Deathy will show you!
That's right. Most of his damage was from white damage. Followed by Exorcism and his Censure DoT.
Thanks for making the run far harder than it had to be. Jerk.