Dear [Lovely Luck Is On Your Side],
Fuck you. No seriously fuck you.
Nigh on a dozen boxes and still no black dress.
Those tokens could have been going towards my hunters pink birdy mount, but no my main needs that achievement still. The fact that I don't even have it on a single toon means I can't even just leave it and wait to see what happens with account bound achievements, which is what I've done with quite a few odd achievements my old main has but my current main doesn't.
Pissed off cool points collector.
Dear power torrent,
Why you have to ruin everything? You suck.
Morchock finally got it through his thick stone skull that we do not have a rogue and instead of dropping the rogue thrown weapon for the 6th week in a row dropped heroic Vagaries of Time, which I being the only caster/healer in the raid group without a heroic or deathwing weapon got.
And double squee because it actually is a great weapon look for my transmog outfit on my shaman and it's just really pretty to boot, except power torrent totally engulfs it in orange/red/purple flame :(
WTB option in transmog window to turn off weapon enchant glow - I don't even care if you want to make it a huge gold sink, I would pay 5k gold just to be able to turn it off.
The vain little space goat.
Dear little priest,
You'd been languishing quite far behind my other healers in the terms of gear, I mean obviously my resto shammy main would out gear you by a ton but even my holy pally and resto druid had a good 30 ilvls on you so the other day I decided to fix that. First thing was a spec change, we'd been disc since ToC, we liked disc or at least that's what we'd been telling ourselves but truth is disc was beginning to feel stale to us which was part of the problem I think.
So we went holy, a spec you hadn't really touched since the days of Naxx version 2.
Then there was the gear, the gear was an issue. You were 344ilvl, not even enough to get into the trollroics. So I did a bit of a dodgy and bought you a crapton of 377 pvp gear to sit in your bags and then a guildie tank came with us for a run through of the 3 new dungeons to get us all the yummy quest gear, we even got a couple of nice drops too. After that I'd managed to inflate our ilvl enough to get us into LFR even if we were only about 350-something equip. Now I was feeling really dodgy and a little guilty about what we were doing but I figured if we really were failing too bad, we could just leave but I was fairly confident in my skill as a healer in general that I felt we'd be ok and ok we were! We weren't even the bottom healer, not even close. We were constantly sitting at third and fourth place. Yay us!
So after doing LFR in entirety and then running a couple more HoTs and buying T12 pants we had a legit, no pvp gear, ilvl of 373, including two set LFR T13.
We so should have switch to holy ages ago, we needed the change from disc.
Your player who is so excited that you are awesome again that she's finished designing your
trasmog outfit! Now we just need to go collect the bits and you will be a pretty pretty priesty!
Dear Hpally gloves off spine,
Why do you never drop when my pally is in LFR yet you drop all the time when I take other toons through, I've seen you sharded half a dozen odd times when I've been on other toons.
My poor little holy pally cries every time I tell her I saw you get sharded again.
So please, please drop for her, she will take very good care of you, she'll keep you polished and everything!
The gloveless holy pally.