(no subject)

Jul 18, 2007 03:15

I've been up too late. Its 3:52 am and I'm not tired at all (well, maybe just a little). I really, really should be getting to bed though. I suppose I'm up this late because I've been looking for interesting podcasts to listen to. I found 3 talking about Sgt Pepper and the 40th anniversary which was nice. Then I found one that has a boatload of music from the 50's, 60's, 70's. Each episode is an hour and some odd minutes long which I love even though it does take up space. I've only gotten one so far, episode 8 about Alan Freed and how important he was to early rock n roll. While listening and dancing around to it, I found mistakes that the DJ made about years, false facts and things of that nature and I immediately thought....Why not send him an email? So I went looking for that, found it, and then quickly wrote an email. Then I started to doubt myself. 'What if he's someone really important?' 'What if I've made the mistake?' 'It doesn't really matter if I send it anyway.' After a few minutes of that I thought...'To hell with it' and I sent it. I hope that he replies though I'm not betting on it.

I like Amy Winehouse. I've heard her song 'Rehab' over and over and I like it a lot. It reminds me of  Motown. I wish more music sounded like it today.

I read The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka today, and I thought  it was sad/funny. I've heard the word Kafkaesque a lot recently so I thought I would find out what it meant through reading one of his works.  I'm sure that there's loads of symbolism that I've missed, so I might just read it again and analyze it as if I were in English class. Its only 50 some odd pages long anyway.

Finally, I leave you with this note: Harry Potter!!!!!! Wooooooooooo!!!! Yaaaaayyyy !!! Only 2 more days!!!!!  As you can tell, I'm really excited, though I haven't seen the movie yet. I'm waiting until after I read the book.

EDIT:  You got me Courtney. Gene was in the taxi that nighht but did not die. His leg was severely damaged and he was not able to perform for some time.  It is also noted that he may have perforated his ulcer  in that crash which was not noticed. He was recording through early 1970. I stand corrected. The report I heard that night reported he had died as well. What does a teenager know? I will retract that on the 1963 XTRA show., giving you credit for bringing this to my attention.
Thanks again
Lee Douglas
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) Awesome :):):):):):):):)
What does a teenager know?!?!?!?!? Heeeey, I'm a teenager!

kafka, harry potter, podcast

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