(no subject)

Dec 01, 2011 12:05

Name: foldedtowels

Birthday: 15 December

Location: West Sussex

About you: I'm old and cantankerous; I use a typewriter; I have blue hair; I like cats. I make mix cassettes and will probably foist one on you at some point. Usually found sitting at my typewriter, making mixes, playing my Game Boy Color, dying my hair funny colours, reading, befriending strange cats, walking in the rain listening to Radio 4, crossing the street to avoid awkward conversations with people I don't like, and hanging round second-hand bookshops sniffing the merchandise.

How long are your letters? About a page to start with. Might get longer, depends how forthcoming I want to be.

Favourite movies: Withnail & I, The City of Lost Children, Delicatessen, BBC's Threads, Welcome to the Dollhouse, Brazil, Ghost World, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, The Royal Tenenbaums, The Darjeeling Limited, Rushmore, Se7en, A Taste of Honey, The L-Shaped Room, The Princess Bride, The Goonies, The Railway Children (1970), Children Of Men, Return to Oz, The Wizard Of Oz, Submarine, The Station Agent, Stalker,  Original Star Wars Trilogy, Pan's Labyrinth. I'm quite fond of Studio Ghibli and older Disney films.

Favourite television shows: Peep Show, Attention Scum, The Simpsons, QI, My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, Adventure Time With Finn & Jake and any documentary.

Favourite music: Belle and Sebastian, Morrissey, The Field Mice, The Beatles, The Smiths, The Boy Least Likely To, Acid House Kings, One Happy Island, The Smittens, The Softies, Harry and the Potters, Talulah Gosh, The Housemartins, Tullycraft, The Siddeleys, The Just Joans, Cats on Fire, The Leslies, Aberdeen, Orange Juice, Tullycraft, Another Sunny Day, Milky Wimpshake, Red Sleeping Beauty, The Lucksmiths, The Jam, Mystery Jets, They Might Be Giants, The Cat's Miaow, Los Campesinos!, Casiotone for the Painfully Alone, Magic Kids, This Is Ivy League, The Cure, Fat Tulips, All Girl Summer Fun Band, Math and Physics Club, The Shermans, Fitness Forever,  The Orchids, The Magnetic Fields, Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark, Pocketbooks, God Help the Girl, Dolly Mixture, Shonen Knife, Billy Bragg, Free Loan Investments, The Futureheads, The Hit Parade, The Besties.

Favourite games: Pokemon Yellow: Pikachu Edition, Alundra, Final Fantasy IX, Tales of Phantasia/Symphonia/Eternia, Fallout3, Fallout: New Vegas, Shadow Of The Colossus, Katamari series, Jumpingflash! Animal Crossing Series, The Legend Of Zelda: Link's Awakening/ Link To The Past, Spyro 1/2/3, Klonoa series, Bioshock 1/2, Gurumin, Super Street Figter, Tekken 6.

Favourite foods/drinks: Curry, Pickled chillies, anything very spicy.

Favourite books: Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit, A Town Called Alice, A Kestrel For A Knave, The Handmaid's Tale, I Capture The Castle, Up The Junction, The L-Shaped Room, Of Human Bondage, Keep The Aspadistra Flying, We Need To Talk About Kevin, White Teeth, Chocolat, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Slaughterhouse Five, Inkheart Trilogy, Dreamhunter Duet, Harry Potter Series, Narnia Series, Discworld Series.

Photograph of yourself:

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