i could think about this in two ways.

Jul 07, 2005 12:53

some people are just bitches. and cut you out of their pictures.

but it's ok. because i know that my life will be filled with happiness and success. and theirs' will...not. it will be filled with unfullfilling sex with stupid boys and drugs and alcohol. well good for them. whatever makes them happy. i'd rather not be associated with them anyways.

and who said they were better than me? society? by what standards? i'd rather move on with my exciting life than to be still in high school, killing my lungs, ruining my liver, breaking my heart, and wasting my life.

hm, sounds like happy times to me. you're still stuck in high school, with the drama and the little games you all play.

and even though some aren't still in high school, they definitely are not ready for the real world. good thing you weren't pregnant...

i'm still going strong. maybe i'll give in someday, but what happens, happens. i'm on my way to being having a life i can't even imagine right now. and you're "livin' it up".

wait until you get to 60 and take a look at yourself. what did you accomplish? lots of sex. parties every night. smoking definitely looks so hot.

all i gotta say is good luck in life. you'll need it.
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