x-posting x-treme

May 05, 2005 11:30

Alright, second day of the fast! Wooooooooo! It's gonna work, too.

So I didn't go to school last night because I'm sick today. Not like, upset stomach/throwing up sick...unfortunately...just coughing every five seconds. So maybe that'll keep my food whoreness down.

Last night I was thinking about something...I forget what, maybe it was about the boy. I don't know. Anyway, I was thinking and I was like if I eat, then this won't happen. Like, I won't be able to be with the boy, EVER, because I'll be fat. Of course I ate, but while thinking about it, my hunger went down so that I wasn't feeling hungry anymore. See, I can be hungry and be fine...but when I'm working at fast food and around it ALL THE TIME, that's when I get so tempted that I go for it. Whether I want food or not! Gosh, it's so annoying! So yeah, I don't work for a few days now, which is very good. I need to lay off the food! But last night I worked out so I did get some exercise in.

I really just need...to be thin. I will not let myself fail this time. I will keep it up. Ana takes me now and I am hers. Hunger will not defeat me.
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