Mommy hasnt let me have the computer lately

Jul 19, 2004 11:18

thats why i havent said anything lately. But i am here now!! SO much has happened since my last post, I dunno where to even start! Well, lets see, I have ben eating carrots, and applesauce, and sweet tatoes and.. ooh, a whole bunch of stuff! mommy has to put rice cereal in it to make it thicker cuz i like my food THICK, not all thin and icky. On thursday i go to the doctor for my checkup, and mommy says she is going to ask them to not give me any shots till i am a year old.

oh yeah, and I GOT A TOOTH! it hurts, but mommy is so proud of me! She says I am getting to be such a big boy. I still dont wanna grow up :(

Mommy got a new thing a month ago calld a Moby Wrap. With it i can be caried ina  lot of different ways. Mommy tried figuring out how to use it to carry me on her back, but i wasnt agonna co-operate. So daddy said if she wants he will build a cradlboard for mommy to carry me on her back. We'll see.

What else? Oh yeah, and I got a new high chair, and at first mommy had it reclining so that i was leaning back to at, but then the other day mommy put it so i could sit up! thats right! in my swing and the high chair I am big nough to sit up!! i still cant it up alone outside of my seats, but thats OK. I dont mind.

Oh, and I rolled over the other day. Mommy put me on my tummy and I rolled onto my back and got mad cuz i didnt have my quacker with me :( I couldnt see quacker anymore, and I thought he ran away! but mommy put me back on my tummy and I was happy.

And mommy says I am starting to talk. SHe heard me try to say "Quacker" the other day, and was SO happy, and I also say "quack" daddy is mad that my first word is "quack" and not Dada or Mama

ANd i got a doorway jumper! in it i can stand and jump up an down and bounce and go weeeee!!!!!!!! i love it a whoooole lot!

Mommy says in a month we can go and visit my uncle dave and my grandpa.. and also my other grnadpa, and mommy and daddy's friends.. it sounds liek we are going for a very LONG drive! just as long as we are home for bed!

Well, i jus had a bottle, so i am getting slepy. Good night evrybody!
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