
Jan 23, 2006 14:05

i think ive found myself looking towards drugs to make myself knumb.
im just tired of being dissapointed.
and tired of trying to make everything okay for everyone.
i miss my old friends!
i miss rochelle, shay, ayano, ashley, tory, andrew, danielle, kt, eric, amanda, chole, lizzie, josie, chantell, mara, and everyone else i used to hang out with pretty much every weekend.
i miss going to "the apartment" and hanging out with everyone.
i still have the pictures from that one night when all of us girls were making out and put fake butterfly tatoos on our faces.
i miss getting baked and walking together to get pizza.
i miss going to ground zero and seeing all my friends play.
i miss dancing with the girls right up front to blane and then getting smooshed when lines into phenoix (sp?) played.
i miss going to see ashley at work almost everyday... taking a nap in my car while she finsihed up, then going out and partying.
i miss driving in ayanos HUGE truck.
i miss the river.
i miss seeing rochelle at school.
ah, fuck, i miss everyone.
and now when i go to shows, i just feel weird because it feels like everyone has forgotten me.
people who used to be my friends just look at me like "what the hell is she doing here"
no one ever calls me to hang out besides for rochelle, and ayano sometimes talks to me, but i want to see everyone again.
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