yesterday, my second day as an intern at the gallery, ended in tears. today i feel really good. useful, working hard, and so wowed by my surroundings.
every morning i walk through a maze of construction and plywood to a set of double doors that swing wide open automatically. i take a right through the long and empty book store, past the garden cafe and into the galleries. i say hello to my main man,
and pass through room after room of 20th century greats and then german masters, before slipping through a door in one of the back galleries, amazing tourists of all ages and origins.
my neighborhood is less than 20 blocks from the mall, and no one seems to have heard of it. it's perfect for walks.
the mosque a few blocks away sends out a call to prayer that echoes between the rowhouses several (4?) times a day. the first night, my only without air conditioning, i was woken before dawn pouring sweat and unbelievably confused. now i find comfort in the call's familiarity.
my house is nearly always empty. i dragged an old a/c unit up from the basement for use at night. i stick my head out the window and lie in bed to do my cataloging homework.
hello summer.