Feb 08, 2015 20:58
I've been waiting for ages to get a de-aged!Dean episode, and considering our current writing team I was quite worried... in the end the ep came out nice, it has no angels in it (yay!) and Sam said some pretty awesome things.
I especially loved the blind faith he has in his brother (or the fact that at least he tells it loud and clear to Dean, who really needs to hear stuff like this) and most of all the "I wanted you back" line.
Now, I LOVED teen!Dean, Dylan did such an AMAZING job in getting Dean down to the last expression and all, and I really enjoyed all the non-stop bantering between the bros (god, I miss it sooo much), butin the car Sam looked utterly TERRIFIED when Dean suggested he might stay de-aged in order not to have the mark reappear.
Cause at the end of the day, Sam is still the little brother who looks up to Dean, even after everyhing he's gone through, cause no matter what, Dean will always be his big brother and his hero. so yeah, as much as I enjoyed teen!Dean, I yelled all my joy when Dean squeezed the hex-bag and turned into his normal self.
Plus we got to see adult!Dean in a hoodie again and for that, I'm forever grateful.
Too bad it wasn't Sam's like last time. ;)
dean will always be the big brother,
finally de-aged boys ep,
dean in a hoodie!,
sam's face