Nov 14, 2014 22:56
Well, I did NOT expect that!
Truth is, I was kinda worried, episode 200 is such a milestone for any show that my first thought was that it deserved to be something serious, something meaningful for the brothers, a love letter to THEM0 and not something for the fans.
and I was wrong. and never HAPPIER about it!
Cause as much as I laughed ( Dean saying "It's not a tulpa" had me cracking up every single time I watched it (and I rewatched it A LOT), both boys reactions to first seeing what the musical was about, and many other things throughout the whole ep) this ep was as meaningful and serious and important for the brothers and their relationship as I could have hoped for.
I loved Dean's reaction to fan fiction (exactly the same as in "The monster at the end of the book)", - thanks for not changing that! - and Sam having a ball about it, just cause it's making his big brother so uncomfortable.
I loved the fake SAMULET back, cause if we can't have the real one back (in my headcanon Sam picked it up and hid it somewhere,but well... ^^), this is the next best thing.
We reclaimed the "bitch" "jerk" thing between the bros, even if with Marie!Sam :D, and Dean hanging the Samulet on Baby's rearview mirror said it ALL.BEST SCENE IN THE EP. No need for words, just that sweet glance they exchanged and it got me so emotional, cause they BOTH knew and understood what it meant. and Dean's right, as much as we miss it, he doesn't really need a symbol to remind him how he feels about his brother. :D
and lastly, if you didn't cry your eyes out every time you heard them singing "carry on wayward son" there's something REALLY wrong with you. it was perfect, it was heartbreaking and it was so so beautiful.
J2 deserve all the recognition for the HUGE milestone they reached together. I'm so happy the episode did justice to all the hard work and passion they've put during these past 10 years.
Really hope that season 10 will continue on this track, there'll surely be some bad episodes, but as long as the bros are back together, I'm ok with it.