Hear Me

May 03, 2010 10:36

this is all TRUTH, folks. listen to it.
She rocked back and forth, headphones pressed to her ears, eyes tightly shut. Bruises forming from arms hitting the desk. She refused to let tears fall but wanted nothing more than to cry. She didn’t understand. She couldn’t. Before this, she felt like she was on top of the world, like she was at peace. That she finally had something to smile for. And then, she just disappeared from the crowd. Kept calling out but no one heard her. The only thing she was met with in return was promises that she was still there. But even those faded, stopped coming, and now nothing but silence. She didn’t want pity or guilt. Just wanted to belong, like she was included. Instead of being that awkward puzzle piece that didn’t fit. But she refused to give up because the joy she once felt was something she couldn’t easily ignore and lose. They meant to much to her to do so. And so she kept crying out, just wanting that one to see her. But still he couldn’t. And she didn’t understand why, suddenly, she meant less to him.
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