
May 14, 2007 16:56

hya all my best mates ahd their baby two weeks ago 2day, she is sooooooooo lovely and adorable. She is quit aswell, i went up to see them when she was 2 days old and i held her for over a hour and she didn't make a sound, and i stay over their's on saturday nite and she went to sleep about 10.30 and didn't wake up till about 5.20, although me and her dad was up all night playing video games and watching movies. i can remember when my little sisters were that old they we're alway's screaming the house down, i could never sleep over at my mum's cuz of it. 
She also make weird noises and faces, but she got that of her dad, he's the same. 
It's gonna be so weird next year, i've got get birthday prezzies for a 1 yr old, 2 yr old and a 3 yr old, the 2 n 3 yr olds are brother and sister, and my little cousins, and all three birthdays are within  a space of 12 days. 29th and 30th of april and th 10th may. one of my work mates is due to have a baby at the end of this month aswell. it's all babies at the mo. no end of people come into the shop i work at and its like every6 in 10 people have babies with them.


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