Decisions, Decisions

Nov 29, 2004 14:10

Fandom: Cyberpunk 2K25
Character: Lex


Crowbar’s life was being counted out by the beating of the various monitors and pieces of machinery keeping him alive. Lex supposed that it had probably been a very brave thing that he had done, rushing the guards earlier, but on the other hand… It was probably the dumbest thing he had ever done. The various bullet holes proved that. They had taken him away and fixed him up. But who knows what else they did to him while he was out. Was he going to turn into whatever Waxfire had become?

Lex walked over and checked the monitors, making sure that Crowbar was okay, well, as okay as he could be. She looked around the room. Waxfire was still struggling in the corner, restless, hungry. Razz was settling in for a sleepless night as he kept watch. Jean Tibon looked restless. Lex couldn’t blame him. He had been cooped up in this room for longer than anyone bar Waxfire. He had seen what they would do, how callous they could be. He got to his feet and approached Crowbar. He knelt over him, singing in a soft voice, one hand tapping rhythmically on the metal casing of some machine or other.

It had a very soothing effect, almost soporific. Lex felt her eyes closing but struggled until the need was gone, refreshed again. She looked at Razz who seemed to be shaking it off as well. Jean was staring at both of them when she looked over at him. His expression was unreadable. He asked for the pen that Crowbar had attacked the guards with earlier.

He started his song again. It was different this time, subtly changed from the last time. Lex looked over to Razz and saw him drifting off to sleep. Jean Tibon flipped the pen between two fingers, twirling it. He knocked the top off. Lex feigned sleep as he looked over to examine the two watchdogs. Getting up, he walked over to Waxfire. He sank the pen into Waxfire’s flesh and drew out some blood. The cartridge was filled with dark liquid. Still singing, he walked back to Crowbar and went to drive the pen into Crowbar’s neck. Lex moved. He seemed slightly startled that she had not been asleep.

“Stop whatever the hell you are doing!”

Jean did not move. He talked calmly, not intimidated by Lex’s overbearing size. It was hard to look intimidating in a smock. He told her that he was doing it to save Crowbar’s life. The Loa who had guided us across the deserts had explained it to him. If this had been six months ago, Lex would have told him to go frag himself. Hearing voices was the first sign of craziness. Of course, that was before Zombies had attacked them, vampires had shared their cells, strange old men had ‘awoken’ them in the desert, Shaitain had tried to kill them, they had been led into a trap by a rogue AI and the elves had tried to take over the world. All in all, it really wasn’t that unbelievable. Lex examined Jean’s face for duplicity. There was none.

Lex ran through the possibilities in her mind. She could keep Jean away from Crowbar but in his state, he may go either way. Even if he did mend, it would be months before he was back to his old self. She could let Jean give him the blood and watch him turn into Waxfire. Not a pleasant though, but the change may kill him anyway. She could procrastinate and let the guys in white coats do it anyway. When it came down to it, Lex gave in. She couldn’t stay awake forever. She nodded slightly and turned her back.

“You never know, this may be a good thing after all.” Lex said to herself, but she couldn’t fool herself.

x-posted in deannawol, maynoothrpgs and Mikado

lex, original fiction, cyberpunk

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