24 in 48 - Part 2

Sep 13, 2004 09:22

Challenge # 5 of 24
Fandom: Stargate SG1
Characters: Jack and Daniel
Word: guess

Jack strode into the gateroom to join his already assembled team. He saw Carter and Teal'c quietly chatting to each other. Daniel stood apart checking his equipment for the coming mission.

"Alright, campers, we ready to step through to Never Never Land?" Jack cheerily greeted his team.

Daniel stepped up to his friends side, absently cleaning his glasses on the sleeve of his combat jacket.

"Wonder what we'll find on the other side of the gate this time." Daniel wondered aloud.
Jack looked at him and with a sarcastic grin answered, "Wild guess, Danny, but I reckon we'll find some very large, very green trees, just like every other planet we visit."
"Care to wager on that Jack?" Daniel grinned.
"What you offering?" Jack asked, wondering what Daniel was up to.
Daniel leaned in close and whispered, "If I win, you'll be my willing slave on our next day off and follow my every command."
Jack gulped and breathless forced out his reply, "And if I win?"
Daniel smirked. "I guess I'll do everything that you want."

Jack swallowed again, thankful for the baggy combat pants he was currently wearing.

"What sort of stuff are you thinking about ordering me to do, Danny?" Jack asked, curiousity getting the better of him.
"Oh I don't know. Maybe giving you orders like 'harder' or 'faster' or 'deeper'." Daniel smirked.

Jack involuntarily moaned under his breath at the thought of the Daniel under him ordering him to fuck him just the way he wanted. It was definately getting hotter in here.

"Is it a bet?" Danny asked. His eyes twinkled as the wormhole engaged, bathing the gateroom in blueish white light. "Last chance Jack... What's it to be?"
"Okay, damnit. It's a bet!" Jack agreed. He would enjoy Daniel being his slave for the day.

His mind was running over a list of things that Daniel would be doing for him on their next day off as he stepped through the familiar portal. Momentary disorientation settled itself miliseconds after he stepped out on the destination homeworld.

"Aw crap!" O'Neill proclaimed as he looked out over the desert landscape. "Where the Hell are the trees? There are always trees."
Daniel stepped up behind Jack and whispered quietly. "Not a tree in sight. You should have looked at the report before you left, Jack. You know, you'd look great in just an apron..."

Challenge # 6 of 24
Fandom: The Sentinal
Characters: Blair and Jim
Word: card

Jim was lugging a bag of groceries in one arm and fumbling with his keys in the other hand when he noticed it first. A little white card was almost obscured by the welcome mat. Jim bent to try and pick it up, furiously trying not to drop anything. He plucked the card from the ground and fumbling, managed to open it.

Written on the card was "Happy Birthday, Jim. Your present is inside." The message was written in Blair's sloppy writing, as unmistakable as the guy's finger print. Jim fumbled again, putting the card into his pocket. As soon as it was tucked away, he lined the key up with the lock and opened the door.

His heightened senses picked up the aroma of candle wax melting, scented with rose, if he wasn't mistaken. He pushed the door open to find a trail of candles leading him inside. Jim entered, closing the door behind him. He placed the bag of groceries on a table just inside the door. He followed the trail of candles.

He approached the end of the trail, an open door leading him to his bedroom. Rose petals took the place of the candles, continuing the trail. Jim stepped into the room. Barely inside, he leaned back against the doorframe, taking in the sight in front of him. Blair was lying on top of the duvet, half covered with rose petals and a strategically placed bow.

"Wanna unwrap your birthday present?" Blair smiled at his lover.
"I dunno if I should..." Jim started.
"But, why not?" Blair asked, slightly crestfallen.
"Well, mainly cause my birthday is still two months away!" Jim finished, bursting out with laughter.
"But... but... Your file said..." Blair started, looking mortified.
"Oh yeah, you mean they still haven't fixed that. I put the paperwork through six months ago."
"But..." Blair's cheeks went bright red.
"But... It would be a shame to waste all your efforts..." Jim started.
"I suppose so. Happy Friday?!"
"Happy Friday, Blair."

Challenge # 7 of 24
Fandom: Pirates of the Carribean
Characters: Jack Sparrow
Word: man

The old man sat by the fire surrounded by younger men, all holding their ales closer than they would hold their women. It was a foul night out. Storms raged outside the taverns walls.

"There was a man once, famous among the seven seas." The old man started. "As notorious a pirate as you ever did see. Noone who crossed him lived, but noone crossed him. At least not since word of the Black Pearl incident got out."

The men crowded in closer to hear the tale of the infamous Captain Jack Sparrow and his adventures. The tale unfurled, enrapturing the men. They sat, not saying a word until the final word was spoken.

A voice spoke from the back of the pub. "That's not quite as I remember it." A drunken slur coming from the speaker. "A wonderous tale to be sure, but maybe you should hear it from the source, savvy?"

Challenge # 8 of 24
Fandom: Troy
Characters: Achilles and Odysseus
Word: jest

"Will you conceed, my friend?" Odysseus's smooth tones echoed around the large room, empty but for the pair of friends. His hand rested on a chess piece as he prepared the move.

"Surely you jest, my friend. You know that you never beat me, in anything." Achilles shot back, smiling.

"Ah, Achilles. Your overconfidence shall be your downfall." Odysseus replied, a smile coming to his lips. He moved the piece he had his hand on. "Checkmate."

"No, no! It can't be!" Achilles looked around the board, looking for a way out, an escape.

"Ah, but my friend, it is!" Odysseus sat back, smiling at his opponent. "And you know what that means?"

Achilles stood, dressed solely in an off-white shift. He reached down and pulled off the singlet.

Odysseus smiled, looking slightly feral as he took in his friends sleek toned muscles, his long slender muscular limbs, his hard ... stomach.

Achilles looked at the smile on his friends face and the glint in his eye. 'Maybe this was one time that losing wouldn't be so bad.'

challenge: generic challenge fic

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