Fifteen Minute Fic Challenge

Jul 12, 2004 09:49

World: Cyberpunk (Original Character - Dusk)
Rating: R
Warning: Not for the feint of heart... It's a horrible world out there and this ain't a nice fic.

Word: Bloody

Dusk followed the girl down the side street. She was wasted, strung out on a cheap cocktail of stims and alcohol. Her path was irratic as she struggled to find a straight line between the moving walls. Every so often she bounced off the bricks of the abandoned buildings as they collided with her world.

This would be so easy for him. The bitch wouldn't even be able to fight back, not like the last girl he tried it on. His leg still ached from where she had stuck a piece of glass into his leg, twinging with pain with every step he took.

The girl stopped and using a garbage dumpster for support proceeded to throw up the contents of her stomach. Dusk hurried his pace and caught up with her before she was ready to stand up. His hand caught her hair, pulling it back from her face. In this light he couldn't tell the colour, the sodium yellow of the streetlight bleaching it and re-coloring it with its own hue.

The girl felt the hand holding back her hair and looked up as she cleaned her mouth on her arm, forgetting that she didn't have a sleeve. She looked at the owner of the hand. He had a nice face, smiling down at her. She smiled back.

"What's a pretty little thing like you doing on a back street like this?" Dusk asked her, laying on the charm.
"Was drinkin' wi' friends ... But they're not here no more ... You think I'm prrity?" The girl slurred her words together, smiling up at her.

Dusk looked down at the girl, he supposed that under the streaked mascara, she could be pretty enough but he really didn't care. His smile changed until it was filled with feral urges. The girl was too out of it to notice.

With a savage move, he flung her back against the bricks of the wall.

She didn't seem to notice what was happening, her head was still reeling from the alcohol. Suddenly the wall was in front of her and she was staring at the bricks. She felt a hand rip down her dress, leaving her in her underwear. She struggled but something held her face to the wall, she couldn't move. She tried to kick out. The weight came away from the back of her neck and she saw the wall move away from in front of her eyes before slamming back with brutal speed. Nothing else registered after that.

"Fucking .. bitches .. always .. have .. to .. try .. to .. fight .. back."

Each word was punctuated with a thud as the girls head met the wall. He released her and she dropped near to where she has just thrown up. He spat on her body before turning to walk off.

"Bitch, now I have to find someone else to fuck!"

Dusk walked away, not even giving her a second look, as dark red liquid dripped down the wall, joining with the bloody pool that surrounded her head like a dark halo of a fallen angel.

original fiction, cyberpunk

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