{VtM Game} Still Waters - 15+

May 29, 2007 08:57

Piece Title: Still Waters
Author: Bon

Fandom: Vampire: the Masquerade Game
Pairing/Character: Kaevan, Group
Rating/Category: 15+
Prompt: Second Session.

Summary: Quick reflection on the second session of the current campaign.

Note/Warnings: General subject matter is concerning a rather broken Malkavian-ish character that has had a rather harsh background.


He could hear them talking about him but that didn’t bother him too much. It was more what they were saying that bothered him. Words like liability and broken, hindrance and danger floated through the air, waiting for his new senses to pick up. It probably served him right for trying to practice by himself. He should have waited. He hung his head, clutching the ruined shirt closer to his chest.

He’d gotten shot, not exactly his fault. He hadn’t seen it coming but he still felt that sense of failure about it all the same. Jac had told him to dodge and he hadn’t. And then he’d not stopped Mistress from touching the liquid and she’d ended up hurting. Perhaps they would be better off without him. They wouldn’t have to worry about the additional danger then, could just concentrate on defending the territory and themselves without him getting in the way.

A knock came on the door and Kaevan stood to answer it, but Dessi was already opening it. They wanted him to train. Images filled Kaevan’s head but none of them were anything like the reality. Arm wrestle first and try to win. That concept alone was foreign. Everyone knew that toys were there to make their owners feel good about being better than the toys. But Kaevan did it and Dessi seemed happy that he was at least trying. He wasn’t as strong and Dessi won most of the bouts so maybe that was enough?

Then came the fight training and yet another odd concept. Dodge. Sure, Jac had told him to do that last night, but he hadn’t really done it. He’d tried but when it came down to it, he hadn’t. But here he was facing off against one of the People In Charge and being told to try and get out of the way of the fist coming towards him. Kaevan had to admit that he was confused. For what seemed like the whole of his life, he had been told to keep still, to take what was coming without so much as a whimper and now, he was being told to move. His body and mind railed against the idea. He needed something to grasp onto to help him understand.

His mind tried to read the man opposite him, cataloguing his actions, reactions, all the words that he had spoken to him, trying to figure out what he wanted. It took a few moments but finally, the answer clicked into place. Dessi seemed to like the challenge. He didn’t want the easy victory. He wanted to fight for his wins. Once this thought was in place, dodging seemed a little more natural. Fist. Dodge. Strike. Dodge. Punch. Duck.

But the confusion only grew as time went on. Several times, Kaevan was beaten, ripe for the continuation of the game, for the next steps but nothing happened. Dessi backed off, waiting simply for him to get up again. Kaevan bit his lip as he got to his feet again. Obviously he hadn’t been trying hard enough, hadn’t been a good enough challenge yet. So he threw himself into it again, harder this time. Hoping to please in some small way. Maybe change one opinion.

And then training was over and they were leaving the club again. Dessi and Mistress talked quietly to each other as they walked, idle small talk, light discussion as Kaevan walked behind - three steps and slightly to the right. Needless to say, Kaevan was quiet. He knew from bitter experience that any input he might have had wouldn’t be welcomed. Of course, that would imply that he had something to add. But he didn’t. It had taken a while to understand that Owners knew everything already and they didn’t need his useless comments clogging up their conversation.

Of course, when they got to the apartment he was a flurry of activity, cleaning, tidying, Making the Place Presentable. At least here he knew his place. At least here everything was known. He had a purpose. But they couldn’t stay here. They had to go back. Intellectually, he knew that he was nothing more than an addendum, taken because he was there at the same time as Mistress but it wasn’t his place to complain. He was just thankful that Mistress hadn’t abandoned him. Well, not yet anyway.

character: generic character, original, fic, vampire: the masquerade

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