Ficlet: Medical Emergency
Part: 1 of 7
Author: Bon
Words: 626
Fandom: Supernatural / House Crossover
Rating: 12
Authors Notes:
alarielle and I have been watching a lot of House and Supernatural lately and decided on a challenge. Seven ficlets in seven days. Doctor Chase is now out on his own in Houston General after his internship with House. A patient presents with a rather unusual set of symptoms and it's up to Chase to make the diagnosis.
“Doctor Chase, do you have a minute?”
Doctor Robert Chase looked up from the pile of paperwork he’d been hiding behind.
“Yes, what is it?”
It was the one bad habit that he couldn’t quite shake. Four years under Gregory House left him not only one of the country’s best diagnosticians but also one of the least tolerant people at Houston General.
“Um, I was wondering if you could look at this.” The doctor was shying back out of the room.
Chase sighed and pushed his paperwork to one side.
“What is it?” He asked reaching out for the medical file.
“Patient, 48 years old, presented with what he claimed were dog bites. Wounds were provisionally dressed when he was admitted but still bleeding badly. We irrigated and investigated the wounds for signs of infection. And they were…” The young doctor paused. “They were oozing a foul smelling yellow liquid.”
“So, they’re infected? Clean them up and give him the standard drug panel.” Chase closed the file and offered it back.
“Um... We tried that but it didn’t work.” The doctor stopped again, running his hand through his hair. “We got the test results back and… Well. I’ve never seen anything like it. He seems to have sulphur particles in his blood stream. Pure sulphur. We can’t explain it.”
Chase reopened the case file, flipping straight to the blood tests. “That’s not possible.”
Chase was on his feet and moving before the doctor could say another word. He ran down the corridor to the room. The man seemed to be asleep but not in an easy sleep. Chase reached out to shake the patient but just before he touched the man’s shoulder, he found himself caught in a vicelike grip. The man’s eyes snapped open and locked onto Chase’s.
“This mortal is mine. Leave him to me!”
The voice was inhuman, the language foreign. The man looked at Chase for another long moment before closing his eyes again and releasing Chase’s wrist.
“What was that?” The other doctor asked.
Chase pales as he mentally translates the words. “Latin.”
“Yes. I need to see the wound. Now!” Chase demanded, almost ripping back the sheet.
The other doctor stepped forward, helping pull the dressing loose. Chase recoiled at the smell. Rotten eggs. Dark black veins traced their way across the skin, pulsing in beat with the man’s heartbeat.
Chase closed his eyes, offering up a silent prayer. Something he hadn’t done in quite a while. He pulled out a notebook and scribbled down a note. He tore off the sheet and handed it to the other doctor.
“Find his number and tell him that Robert Chase needs his help.” Chase never looked away from the wounds on the patients chest.
“Is he a doctor?”
“No.” Chase answered. “A priest.”
The doctor looked puzzled but left anyway. Chase replaced the dressing. He took a deep breath.
“He’s not yours. Not if I have anything to do with it, demon!” Chase ground out the last word.
Around him, he could almost hear a deep laugh.
Walking to the bedside locker, he opened the drawer and pulled out the Gideon’s Bible. He’d turned his back on his faith once before, choosing science instead. But now, it seemed like God was calling again. And this time, he had no intention of turning his back.
Besides, he really wanted to find out how exactly this man had come to be mauled by a demon. It wasn’t exactly your typical Saturday night injury. Well, at least not for most people. What made this man so special? Or so cursed that one of the damned had almost torn him apart?
Chase sighed as he pulled up a seat.
“Who are you really, John Smith?”