Random Drabble - Don't Ask!

Jul 05, 2006 15:30

Fandom: Original
Prompt: Ookami no namida/Wolf's Tears by Seki Tomokazu
Words: 135

He stared out over the wilderness. It was almost time. Looking back over his shoulder he smiled at the woman standing there. He extended his hand. She was nervous, he could see that but she reached out and grabbed his hand anyway. He stepped back from the cliff he was standing on and embraced her.

A slow, passionate kiss was shared as they stepped back from each other, both smiling. That was when it began. Muscles and sinews stretched and popped. Bones broke and reformed. The smiles widened and changed. And in their place were two wolves, both panting. Eyes with human intelligence looked around and with a huff and a quick lick of the fur behind her ear, he pushed her into action. The night was young and there was prey to be chased.

original fiction, fiction

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