The last four hours...

Jun 17, 2006 01:45

I installed new anti-virus software on my computer this morning... And it decided to go unresponsive. I didn't have time to deal with it this morning so I just shut it off and deal with it later. Of course, at the time, I thought it was nothing more complicated than explorer crashing as it is want to sometimes do. However, cue logging in this evening...

Again and again and again... Into safe mode and back out... watching the messages scroll by as windows attempted to load. Back into safe mode, poke it some more, back into normal to watch it crash again and then back into safe mode to poke it some more... You get the idea.

I just backed up everything on my machine while in safe mode. Thank strawberries that I didn't give into my instincts and leave the external at home today. Anyway, after everything has been poked, it is finally working again. Alexa isn't broken and is now happy that I've taken the nasty new anti-virus software off her.

Funny thing, couldn't uninstall anti-virus in normal mode cause explorer hung as soon as it loaded, but couldn't uninstall it in safe mode because the windows installer isn't enabled... *sigh*

*sigh* ... In other news, yesterday I wrote a complete and a functionally secure login script at work yesterday, and a complete and working search engine today. I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed web programming. Can't stand application programming but set me down with a language I like and I'm in heaven! ^_^
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