How cruel football is.....

May 06, 2009 19:26

Hey girls,

As always, I'm going to start the entry with an apology for not being around much. Ah well, I've already accepted the title of 'Worst LJ friend', might as well live up to it! :-) We had to submit our project report in college, and so for the past week or so, I've been running around the whole day trying to get it finished, formatted, printed and hard bound. It's almost done, so I should get some free time next week.

I came home just in time for the game yesterday. I'm extremely delighted that we're in the final, but at the same time, I have never felt more heartbroken. I was in tears at the end of the game. I still can't believe the referee's decision. Poor, poor Darren, that has got to be the cruelest thing that can happen to anybody. I can still see his face in front of my eyes when the ref showed the red card. So full of resignation. He must be absolutely devastated. God, I can't even begin to imagine how terrible he must be feeling. How can UEFA allow the referee to get away with it? This is absolutely insane, every f***ing person on the planet with eyes can see that he got the ball. Their rules are completely stupid. 'an appeal can be made only in case of mistaken identity', what the hell! That is the most retarded logic I've ever heard. You're allowed to appeal a red card if a player breaks someone's leg(as we regularly see in the Premier League), but you're not allowed to appeal in case of a legitimate challenge? So it means that we allow the referee's mistake to completely destroy what is supposed to be every player's dream, playing in the Champions League Final, what kind of justice is that?

The worst part is that it had to happen to the one player who's done so much for this team. I know that most of the time I'm completely biased when it comes to Darren Fletcher, sometimes to the point of stupidity, but I don't think anyone can deny that he's been one of our star performers this season. No one has worked harder for the team. He's given his absolute everything every single time, and he should have been rewarded for his effort by playing his part in the biggest game of the season. Instead, he has to miss out because of one stupid, blind, idiotic referee. Oh god, I feel like crying again over the injustice of it. *wipes eyes*

I'm sorry, I know I'm overreacting. I'm sure this has happened to loads of players over the years, and they've coped with it. I'm the worst kind of supporter there is, to be so cut up over one red card instead of being happy that my team is in the final. I can't help it, I care for him so much. I just hope that Scholesy, Gaz, Ry and the rest of the team are consoling him. I wish I could go there and hug him tight, he must be so heartbroken. Darren, sweetheart, I'll be praying as hard I can that someone, somewhere has some sense and does something about this miscarriage of justice. Please, dear god, let UEFA revoke this red card, some way or the other. I don't know if I could bear watching the final and see him sitting in the stands. I know he will still be there, still supporting the team and still cheering for them, because he's that kind of selfless person, but it would absolutely break my heart.

Sorry for spoling the mood, but I needed to get it off my chest. My parents couldn't understand why I've been so down the whole day, but I know you girls will understand. This doesn't mean that I'm any less happy over the victory, or any less proud of the rest of the boys, I am terribly proud of them. I just wish that my Fletch could have been spared this heartache.

I hope all of you are doing well. Maybe you haven't yet kicked me off your friends list.  I would not blame you if you did, hell, I would have kicked myself off my friends list. So sorry, I've just been absolutely swamped with project work and no time to eat, let alone come online. I know it's not an excuse for being so lousy, but maybe you guys can understand how difficult it is. I can't wait to be done with my graduation.

semi final, darren fletcher, champions league, arsenal, manchester united

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