
Dec 30, 2008 12:14

Hey all.

Yesterday was probably one of the worst days of my life. My cat died yesterday. It was really horrible. I think she ate a poisoned rat. That's what the vet said anyways. I don't think I'll ever forget how she looked. The poor thing threw up a couple of times, but we thought she had just eaten too much or something. Then later on, I saw her lying completely still with her eyes open. My heart stopped, cause she looked dead at that moment itself. But she kept having these horrible spasms in between.

The worst part was that there was nobody at home but me and my sister. We rushed her to the vet's clinic immediately, but it was lunchtime so there was nobody there. We asked around and managed to locate the vet's house. On reaching there, he was eating his lunch and told us to wait for a couple of minutes. By the time he came out and went to his clinic, it was too late.

I was completely numb on the way home. It was all I could do to stop the tears, cause I was driving and didn't want to cause an accident. I did break down when I got home. But then, I felt very guilty too. So many human beings are dying all over the world everyday. I didn't cry when I saw the death and destruction caused by the terror attacks in Mumbai last month. Those were real people with families, and friends and children. Of course, I felt horrible, but it didn't hit me that much because no one I knew was affected. And yet, here I am crying over a cat. Goes to show how terribly selfish we can be.

Sorry for dumping all this on here, I just felt like I had to speak about it.

Onto a slightly brighter topic, I was glad we had a game last night to take my mind off it. I was really exhausted though, and it took a lot of effort to get out of bed to watch it. Sometimes, I really detest late kick offs. But it was an ok game. Nice to see Dimi score, it was a really cool finish. And loved his celebration. Take that, the idiots who complain he's not passionate enough. There was enough passion there to light a fire. Great to get the 3 points. Bring on Chelsea now, I guess.

personal, manchester united

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