Mar 29, 2004 23:05
I hate show chorus. I hate ppl that dont care and that dont want to be there. Its a good thing that this is my last year, b/c i might have to tweak on everyone. And WTF is up with adding things the LAST REHERSAL before states. F-ing idiots. Nobody is going to remember anything and its going to suck and were not going to do well. Unless everyone gets the dildos out of there asses and sings there solos right(stupid bitch) and actually think about what they are doing.
OOOHHHH im a SO glad I never have to do this again.
The filming went well... Except for the fact that it was supposed to be from 2:45 to 7 and we only played Chi-Chi like 5 times and then we were done. The good thing was that music boosters bought us pizza and we had a burping contest and I think I came in second. LOL what an achievement. and after that was show chorus. grr.. so it was good until that.
This weekend is show chorus states and we have to LEAVE by 6... uuhhh.. but thats nothing compared to the middle school who have to be AT SCHOOL at 3:45 in the f-ing morning. They are going to pass out by like 2. Poor little guys. hahaha... oh well.. they'll deal.
Well, its late... well its 11:11.. not nearly as late as I have been staying up for some reason.... but none the less late when I have to get my ass outta bed at 6:30 and go to school..... who ever invented early as a time to go to school... they need to be damned...
NINITE DeannaRae