(no subject)

Sep 12, 2004 19:30

Happy Sweet 16 Megan. :)

i'm so tired. maybe it's cause i got up at nine because my mama told me she wanted to be outta the house early. early = 12. i could have been sleeping until like 11:15! even though i never sleep that late we can pretend.

so we ventured out to best buy and a couple of other places today. we went to best buy because i got a couple of gift cards for there, uhhh...2 years ago. i had fifty dollars to there and i just used it today. i got 50 first dates, busted stuff (dmb cd) and the simple life soundtrack. all of that crap came up to 51.33. i thought it was a little much but whatever it was only a dollar and 33 cents for me. and the cashier was all amazed that i had it ready. she was like "wow how did you know that?!". hmm...maybe because i passed math...in 3rd grade.

then we went to famous footwear because i wanted to get shoes for homecoming (which i will hopefully be attending. everyone cross their fingers) and i remembered seeing cute ones there when kelly and i went. oh, did i get the cutest shoes ever. they are soooo cute. i just smile when i think about those beautiful shoes. anyways. we went to arby's after that, but then the roof started leaking and it was weird.

everyone ran into publix but i stayed in the car to listen to my beautiful new CDs. they threw a little catologue thing in the DMB cd and i want the 'i <3 DMB' shirt soooo bad. i will get it one day. anyways. we got home and i threw things at the cat cause she spit up on some of my clothes upstairs. she's such a retard.

my daddy needs to get home so we can freaking eat! :)
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