sun and mon workouts (10/5 +6)

Oct 06, 2008 10:21

sunday - mr.deanakt and i hiked up "Hogback Loop" Trail. it is ~3.5mi ; pretty steep uphill. we saw quite a few people out there, so that made it even more interesting.  i kept saying - "2 women just did this carry babies! you can do it too!" i actually can't wait to run it! ;) oh yeah!
monday am - i went to the Y for a 1hr spin class - kicked my butt! and a ~10mins core work out; crunches - i can to all day, the other stuff - not so much! but you gotta start somewhere. (mine is a pretty low starting point on the fitness level)
i'm hoping to swim afterwork ... i have a 4-5pm mtg and swim training starts at 5:30pm. not sure i'll make it, but will certainly try.
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