Adam Brody loves me in my dreams

Apr 11, 2010 14:51

I just dreamed that Adam Brody was following me around. Also, I was with my long lost cousin (our parents fought when we were in kindergarten, and I haven’t seen her since).

It was (by the end of the dream) the second time I’d seen both of them. We were at this big convention place where people were making announcements. I think I was in a movie somehow, and I knew it. Because the second announcement that we ducked into for a place to sit down was the announcement for Space Station Freedom. Which would have been more than a decade ago, probably decades ago, actually. And in addition, I kept chuckling over little details the movie had gotten wrong - like, instead of being Cape Canaveral, it was Cape Crusade. (And plus how it was Space Station Freedom instead of the International Space Station, which is what it ended up being, and it was happening now, instead of the mid 80s.)

Anyway, I had run into my cousin there the first time, and we got to talking. And then after she left, Adam Brody was there, sitting behind me, maybe, and being all flirty. And then the second time, I ran into my cousin again. I guess I’d brought up the idea that she should meet her dad and brother, because the second time, she was thinking about it. But I think either her mom didn’t want her to or she didn’t want to. And for some reason, I thought I should make it easier for her by telling her how weird her dad and brother are. Which is odd. I’d be trying to get her to meet them in real life. Anyway, we ducked into the Space Station Freedom announcement to have somewhere to sit down and talk (I’d been telling her that my uncle was weird and smelled like smoke and drank a lot, when we got stuck in an elevator with someone (I didn’t know) whom I thought I shouldn’t say these things in front of, and the Space Station announcement didn’t have many people in it).

We were sitting down, and she was looking a little upset and I was getting ready to tell her more, when Adam Brody showed up again. I don’t remember how, but we both, through his doing, ended up back outside the room while my cousin waited inside. He was very interested in me and making up stuff to the attendant who first didn’t think we should be wherever we were, and then changed her mind and seemed to be worried specifically about me being with him. I can’t remember what all he said, but he made it clear that he’d been watching for me/following me around the convention trying to find an opportunity to talk with me, that sort of thing. Then the attendant came back or came for the first time or something, and said we needed to go in and sit down, we couldn’t stay in the hall. And I invited him to come back and sit with me. Which I knew was a little odd, because my cousin and I were trying to have this serious conversation, but no way was I going to pass up this cute guy who was so interested in me - the dream was real enough for me to realize that that certainly didn’t happen on a regular basis.

And I knew he was really really interested in me, because I looked horrible. For some reason, I was wearing, like, three shirts. Earlier in the dream I’d somehow gotten them mixed up and put the wrong one on top (like, the t-shirt (which I think I had left somewhere and thought the best way of carrying it around when I found it was to put it on on top instead of the button up), and just pulled it off and put it on the reverse (which my cousin watched me do, clearly thinking I was proof that that side of the family was weird). I knew it looked all bulky and wrinkled. Plus I was bleeding. I think I might have picked a pimple and so was trying to cover up that. But the bigger problem was that I’d nicked my leg shaving or something and was trailing blood. Adam Brody didn’t even seem to notice. But when we got back, there was blood all over the seat I had been sitting in, and I was sure he was going to be grossed out. But he still didn’t seem to notice (like, in a way that I thought meant he’d noticed, but was too much of a gentleman and liked me too much to mention it). And we sat down (but he had to sit one down from me because someone was sitting in the seat next to the one my cousin saved for me, and I knew that was going to end up being a funny gag). The attendant woman who told us we couldn’t hang around outside came over to check our wrist bands, and it turned out that he was a secretary there somehow -- interning, he clarified.

It was a verrrry good dream. I was so flattered that Adam Brody (who wasn’t Adam Brody as in the movie star, by the way, but, like a character played by Adam Brody (I recognized him as being Adam Brody when I woke up), who was at his slouchy, diffident, casual best, was so into me, even though I was bleeding and wearing three shirts and (I suspect) having a bad hair day.

(I should also mention that I haven't actually *see* Adam Brody in anything since he left Gilmore Girls for the OC. I have no idea why he's suddenly popped up in my dreams, but I don't mind. Come to it, no idea why my cousin showed up, either. Like I said, I haven't talked to her since we were  in kindergarten, and though the subject of her came up because we heard she recently had her first baby, that was a month ago.)

This is the second weird dream I've had in a row. Night before last, I was at something with both some new friends from now and people from high school that I wasn't friends with, but wanted to impress. We were, like, in a big food court. I wanted to use the bathroom, but the stall I chose overflowed and splashed me. So I decided I needed to wash my hands instead. And for some reason, instead of washing them, I went pirouetting (to be funny, mainly, but also because I was exceedingly graceful and good at it) back to my new friends, who were standing in line at one of the food booths, and presented them with a handful of soap, which had somehow hardened into the shape of an angel. They were all very impressed. No. Idea. Except that I'm guessing this signals the start of another one of my periods of weird dreams.

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