I must have some sort of a creepy, anal stalker. And what I've been reading. And further randomness.

Mar 21, 2010 17:08

I've been laying here on the couch telling myself I could read until 7, and then I'd have to get up and study for a big practice run I have tomorrow. And I looked up at the three clocks I have grouped on the wall above my TV to see what time it was. They said 4:50, and I thought, 'Dang, how'd it get to be so late?' Because I haven't changed my clocks, I KNOW I haven't, and that meant that it was 5:50. But then I checked my computer, and it agrees that it's actually 4:50. Which means that someone changed my clocks.

Someone broke into my house and changed my clocks.

Seriously. I haven't had anyone in the house since the Saturday before daylight savings. And I know I didn't do it. So .... I'm left with no explanation other than a creepy stalker who is anal retentive and couldn't stand to stalk me if the clocks didn't read the correct time. Hmm. Wonder if the one on my bedside table is right. ...

... It's not. So at least the creepy anal stalker didn't go into my bedroom.

Anyway. I haven't been on in a long time. I'd have nothing much to say except for whining about how work is going to kill me dead, which isn't very interesting, so I didn't bother boring y'all with it. I've read a few good things -- in particular, 'Peace Like a River,' by Leif Enger, which was awesome. So so good. Best thing I've read in awhile. I'm currently reading '36 Arguments for the Existence of God: A Work of Fiction.' Which is also very good so far. I'm not sure where it's going (it's about an atheist who writes a book in which he includes 36 arguments for the existence of God that he rebuts, and then he gets famous for it), but I like the characters and the writing. The author managed to make a sentence last about a page without irritating me. That's never happened before. And Sarah Addison Allen (author of my beloved 'Sugar Queen' and 'Garden Spells') just put a new one out on Tuesday. I bought it but then decided to save it until after this big test run tomorrow (at least -- maybe until after the busy time, depending on how stressed I am after the test run) so that I could really savor it.

Oh. I do have something that I'd like other people's opinion on. So after all my complaining about not having a man, one expressed interest. And I went to coffee with him and a couple of group deals. We didn't ever make it onto a real date because of a busy time in February, during which I was working overnight hours. He's a very  nice guy with a great booming laugh that makes you smile just hearing it. But ... I just couldn't get excited about it. I tried, I think, but it just wasn't happening. In fact, when I saw him arrive at the group stuff, my immediate reaction was irritation that I was going to have to ... deal with it. With the tentatively thinking about dating interaction that we were having.

So what do you do? I do like him, and would like to stay friends with him -- we were part of a larger group of friends before this and I would like for that to continue. But that just sounds so horribly cliche. Is there a way to say that without making people vomit? (Also, after the busy time, he called me and left a voicemail. I knew he was going to want to ask me on a proper date and I didn't want to go and didn't know how to say no, so I never called him back. That makes me a crappy person, doesn't it?)

Also, I signed up for BigBang. I'm working on it. We'll see.
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