No, they've been pretty good at either mentioning that at either mentioning it or making it clear that it's a secret, lately. They talked about the angel right away and the crossroads demon after Sam shot her. The only thing that comes to mind that they didn't talk about was what Sam found out about Mary, and I guess we're about to get into that now. Plus, I'm ready for a monster of the week. It feels like 300 years since we've had one. It's only that that one didn't look that interesting to me for some reason. Probably it doesn't mean anything. There have been uninteresting previews before that turned into great episodes... I think that I had just thought through the entire episode that they'd get back to Sam, and then I looked up and there were three minutes left. I hadn't heard that it was a Sam free episode. And so I was already disgruntled when the preview started, and it just didn't do anything to help. I need to watch it again. Like I said, I liked all the backstory that we got, it's just when I realized suddenly that that was all we were going to get that I felt cheated.
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