Okay, first -- I haven't been this excited or a season premiere since Buffy and Angel! I spent the first two watchings chatting with thenyxie, so I had to take a third one to get my details down. Luckily, I saved the chat transcript so I have my initial reactions. Goddess bless computers, man! I wish I had my initial reactions to the first few Buffy eps I saw to go back and remember!
Anyway -- HELL'S BELLS! Have I ever mentioned that one of the things I adore most about this show is the music? I was a total metalhead when I was a teenager, and these songs are like, the soundtrack from my adolescence. Actually, I was more at the "burner" end of metalhead, in that I was a Pink Floyd/pot chick. The group was decided between my sort, and the rest who were more metal/booze/coke. But we all hung out together anyway. Ah, the 80's. *G*
I was sort of surprised that the Story So Far was so generic. I mean... I don't know, I guess it's enough to remind dedicated watchers who don't have the DVD's, and has enough focus on the badassery, sex and rock n roll to maybe not confuse a new viewer. I dunno. Anyway. *G*
My original reaction to the first scene was "Don't look in the garbage can, asshole!" People in horror movies so deserve to die for the level of stupidity alone. I mean, don't people in horror movies ever watch horror movies? This guy deserves to be possessed just because of his really bad hair.
Dude! A stormcloud of demons. That's fucking scary, yo! All those demons are going to possess people, no? Which means they TOTALLY walk among us.
Love the new opening splash.
One week later, and we find Sammy doin what he does best... and Dean doing what he loves best. Hee. The thumbs up made me laugh. God Dean! Hee. He does a little dance before he pounces on the bed. What killed me was when Bobby asked what Dean was doing, and Sammy said, "Polling the electorate." *snort* He said "polling."
Then Sammy acts all shocked and horrified to walk in on Dean scrogging. What the hell did he think he was doing with those chicks, playing checkers?
Sammy's so pouty about Dean scoring with chicks. He doesn't like to share. Dean LOVES to share. Hee.
Okay, everybody write in your SPN notebook: Demon clouds were sighted over 17 cities.
"Be careful what you wish for." Totally a recall of my current favorite episode, WiaWNSB.
Dean's so casual. "Sold my soul. Got a year to live. I'm not sweatin' the cholesterol." On one hand, I adore the hedonist Dean, but on the other, I have to wonder if my beloved thenyxie is right and that Dean is just putting on a good face for Sammy, but sooner or later is going to fall apart. I actually think that right NOW, Dean has really accepted what's coming -- he has a pretty low opinion of his own value, after all, and as he says later in the episode, he's TIRED. I think right now he thinks the cost is well paid so that Sammy can have a life, even if it's without him. Now, whether that changes later -- something reminds Dean that he wants to live or what have you, then BRING ON THE DEAN PAIN. But for now, I'm okay with this casual, blow-it-off Dean. It seems very him to me.
Hee. "CANDYGRAM!" I said to thenyxie, why can't he come to my house and do a candygram? Or... a stripogram. *G* It also cracked me up, for some reason, that the dead family in the farmhouse was is watching Dallas.
Dude, the minute the new hunters showed up, I was all REDSHIRTS! So dead. I was actually surprised that Tamara got away. I suppose that's part of the show's new Up With Women attitude.
"Hello! Bleeding, here!" Hee. And then he's off and hitting on the next chick.
"The family that slays together..." Sammy's such a girl. He's all watching them, thinking of him and Dean. Hee.
Okay, maybe Dean doesn't know what an appletini is, but I maintain that Jensen SO does. ;)
Ouch. Way to blame The Boys for what happened.
And here's the new chick. I'm pretty neutral about her appearance.
See, the demon-possessed garbage guy from the beginning now has EXCELLENT hair. The chick he touches in the store has the biggest face I've ever seen.
Dude, the murder in front of the store? I totally saw that happen outside TJMaxx once. *G*
Hee hee. And there's Dean, comforting the bereaved and using his status as a guilt trip against Sammy. The coughing was a nice touch. What a bastard.
Oh, Bobby in a suit. My world is all askew!
Now, the question becomes, why is the new chick following Sammy? Who is she? Who sent her? And why doesn't she say anything to him? Or, is she there to make sure he doesn't go darkside, which he totally still could.
See, I totally never noticed until ust now that there were only seven people in the bar besides Isaac and Tamara. See, how cute they are, how they reiterate that they're about to die horribly?
I like how they made the fat guy Sloth rather than Gluttony as most would.
Oh, man, the Draino! That's about what, a five gallon jug? Dude is so dead.
I would like it noted for the record that Metallicar's stund double has two huge bare stripes on the hood, and her pain job is not good. As I noted to thenyxie, why do theynot have SuperSoakers loaded with holy water? Much less wasteful than slinging canteens around.
Nice re-use of the Devil's trap on the trunk!
Now, while I sympathize with Tamara's terrible pain, dude, your husband is really, incredibly, totally dead. Srsly.
WHAT's IN THE BOX!? Hee. Cracks me up EVERY TIME. I love you Dean. Don't die. Fictionally marry me instead, kay? Awesome.
Bobby is bad ass. Thenyxie totally loves him. I want ELLEN!
It's so freaking creepy that the demons don't WANT anything except what they've already got -- they're FREE to wreak havoc. It's awesome that demons hate Hell on this show. That makes their desire to be here makes so much more sense. The expression on the demon's face when Dean says they're sending him back is priceless.
Hee. Some people crochet. Some people golf.. I like to see people's insides on their outsides.
Dean is so comfortable with being a "walking billboard for gluttony and lust." Hee. He so is.
If we're going down, we're going down together. Ah, Sammy.
The look they exchange while getting ready for the demons is so freaking pregnant with meaning. And wow, the use of I Shall Not Be Moved is too fucking scary, man.
The chick almost falls for that possessed corpse of her husband bit? What, has she been a hunter since yesterday? I know, grief, stupid things, yadda yadda. But dude. FIVE GALLONS OF DRAIN CLEANER. Ain't much question that dude is dead.
For all the talk about women being portrayed more positively this season, it seems sort of a shame that the female hunter is the one who loses it and blows the circle because she's too emotional.
Dean and lust. Thenyxie wondered how he broke her thrall. My theory is that it wasn't her thrall that made him kiss her. He just threw himself into what her power was trying to force on him. It's like swimming with the tide instead of against it if you fall into a river. You can get out more easily if you let it take you to shore instead of fighting to get there.
Hello! Thematic plot point! Sam and Pride. He was almost done in by pride, but the chick with the magick knife saved the ay. Is that saying Sam will be saved from Pride by love? I never thought of Sam as particularly prideful, I guess. Although he has always held himself above others to some degree beause he's smart and educated. He tends to look down on Dean's whole blue collar man thing.
Did this episode seem REALLY short to anybody else? I taped it on the VCR so I couldn't really tell you the exact time, but. It seemed really short.
Anyway, so we burn the bodies, say goodbye, and get to the emotional meat. What there is of it, anyway.
What else did we let out? Dum dum DUMMMMMM.
"We can win this war, right?" And Bobby's all, Um, no. No fucking way.
Oh, I see! It wasn't Metallicar's stunt double, it was Bobby's beat up muscle car they drove into the bar.
It's time for Sammy to fight for Dean, and it looks like he's going to. He's totally not going to give up. While Sam is technically right that Dean is being a hypocrite, the thing for Dean is that he knows Sammy can have some kind of a life outside of what they've got once Dean is gone. Yes, Sammy will be broken and guilty, but he'll go on. Dean might not have been able to -- or so he thinks. Dean is, once again, devaluing and underestimating himself by basically saying that Sam is the stronger of the two of them.
I can't WAIT for the rest of this season... even though I could do without the episode about the Village of the Damned. Feh. I'm sure they'll do it good.
I'm SO on board here, fangirling HARDCORE. I swear I'm one of those people who wants to defend the show against all the criticism floating around. Who the hell ever thought *I* would be in that position! LOL!!!!
Is it next Thursday yet?