Happy New Year bitches!!!

Jan 04, 2008 13:50

I have survived another year. Think back, how was your year? If I was apart of it and you remember it. Please respond to this and let me know what it is I did. God know I only remember going to work and sleeping. Everything else is just a blur.

I don't have any new years resolutions but I do have a goal to stop smoking. Yes, it's been a few days now and not that I have quit completely but I am making an effort. I don't smoke at work anymore so that cuts out a huge number there. There is no smoking in bars to I don't smoke there anymore. The only time I have allowed myself to smoke is when I'm at home and I make myself do that outside. I'm still addicted, I know this because I will drag myself out in the cold and smoke one down.

Other than that I just need to get back to walking more. As I've already said though, it's cold as hell out there and I just can't take it right now.

For those of you that have to interact with me on a day to day basis I will say that I'm sorry for being a cranky bitch. I'm sure that once I have my body and mind weened from the cancer sticks I'll be back to my normal ass hole drunk self.
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