[FIC] Perfection is many things for Marvellous

Jan 15, 2018 10:46

Gift type: Fanfic
Title: “Perfection is many things”
Author: Secret Santa
Recipient: Marvellous
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: None (two men having sex)
Spoilers: None
Word Count: approx. 3000
Summary: It always starts with "Hello, Dean."
This time it's even followed by nakedness.
Author notes: This was not the story I thought I was going to write, but what is a writer but a slave to the muse? and the muse wanted porn. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as the muse did - I know I enjoyed writing it ;)

Perfection is many things

#xmas 2017, length: 3k-5k, rating: nc-17, gift type: fic

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