May 19, 2011 00:12

It's still Wednesday in some parts of the world, it totally counts.

Anywho, for the weekly rambling we are now onto 5x13 (because Cas isn't in 5x11 or 5x12, for shame) and Dean's dreaming. I was going to focus more on Dean dreaming about porn...but it is slightly weird that he was dreaming about a devil and an angel when in real life his angel is Cas and the devil is supposed to be his brother, right?

I think too much about dream meanings perhaps...

So, instead we have Dean's awkward moment with Anna (I always rather liked Anna, I was sad to see her go, and a little bugged they decided she must be all 'Sam must die' *sigh* but I'll not start grumbling about the writing). Anywho, I rather like this scene, mostly because Anna tattles that Cas is a meanie, Dean wakes up and (though we don't see it) he clearly talks to Cas about what Anna has just told him because Cas decides he is going to go and meet Anna. Because that's what you do when your man is in trouble/being lured in by one of your angel siblings. You go check it out yourself first.

Because he cares. Duh.

dean: i think i'm adorable, omfg: i love close ups, castiel: angel of the lord, mood: concerned, castiel: nerd!angel, with: anna, type: screencaps, dean: what dreams may come, cas/dean: my guardian angel, *maker: pyjamagurl, 5x13, dean: i need a drink, dean: approves, cas/dean: always there, dean: i'm a joy to be around, cas/dean: i did it all for you, castiel: is behind you

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