worst day ever!

Jul 18, 2005 16:23

today was the worst day of work. igot in at 12 midnight to be part of the cleaning group. we got nothing accomplished. i had 3 coffees in 3 hrs!! at 4 everyone but stella had left. i was staying all the way through. she finally left at 445. everything was done except for one of our breakfast ovens. i took it apart to clean but wanted someone elses to clean it as well when they arrived. at 530 tony had not arrived yet. i started freaking out. i was shaking from the caffeine. i kept calling kelly. she enver answered her phone. neither did jenn. i was pissed. i finally got to start bre3akfast at 645 45 minutes late. i broke down and started crying my eyes out. our fryers broke. finally kelly called back and asked what was wrong. by that time we figured out our broiler was broken too. i had to call maintenance on both. they came and finally fixed it. kelly said call jose in just call him in. awesome idea!!! if he would answer his phone :-( not working in my favor. finally he arrived i stayed got into a fight with justin almost walked out permanently and spilled a chocolate shake all over myself. and what time did i leav at??? 3pm... 15 hrs straight!!!! an hr and a half sleep ... 8 hrs work, 5 hrs home, 1 and 1/2 hrs sleep, 15 hrs work!!!!!! that was my schedule lol. o well... it happens
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