Well this is really to get to know people that love Heath, but if you would like to friend anyone that loves Heath, then feel free to comment and let them know. I am always looking for more.
Age (if you want to tell):
Why do you love Heath? If you can put it into words:
Favorite Heath movie(s):
Which Heath movie(s) have you seen?
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Age (if you want to tell): 16
Location: Illinois
Why do you love Heath? If you can put it into words: Nobody who knew him had a bad thing to say about him. He was so talented. 2008 was supposed to be, and it still is, Heath's year. He had the world by the tail, and no doubt his Joker would have opened up a whole new world of possibilities and skyrocketed him to a whole new level of stardom. On top of that, he was sexy. He was a doting daddy to Matilda, and a wonderful boyfriend to Michelle until they went their separate ways. Everything about him was remarkable. He truly was a beautiful person. I could go on and on..
Favorite Heath movie(s): Candy, Brokeback Mountain, Lords of Dogtown, The Dark Knight, I'm Not There.
Which Heath movie(s) have you seen? Candy, Brokeback Mountain, Lords of Dogtown, The Dark Knight, I'm Not There, 10 Things I Hate About You, Monster's Ball, Casanova, The Brothers Grimm, The Patriot, A Knight's Tale, Four Feathers, Ned Kelly.
Which do you own? Candy, Brokeback Mountain, Lords of Dogtown, I'm Not There, 10 Things I Hate About You, A Knight's Tale.
Favorite Heath character(s): Skip Engblom, Ennis Del Mar, Dan, Joker, Robbie Clark.
Have you seen the Dark Knight? (If not skip the next 2 questions): yupp, 3 times.
Did you like the movie? loved it.
Favorite Joker quote(s): Soo many. "It's not about money...it's about sending a message." "Madness as you know, is like gravity. All it takes is a little push.." and his entire monologue from the hospital scene with Harvey, about chaos and upsetting the established order.
How did you find out about Heath's death? by text message at school.
How did it make you feel? I couldn't even wrap my head around the idea. That entire night.. I don't remember anything about it except being so devastated and checking my phone for the latest updates. When I got home and went to bed, I couldn't stop crying.
Are you still having a hard time dealing with it? Yes.
Favorite Heath quote(s), if you have any: "When anything is blocking my head or there's worry in my life, I just go sit on Mars or something and look back here at Earth. All you can see is this tiny speck. You don't see the fear. You don't see the pain. You don't see thought. It's just one solid speck. Then nothing really matters. It just doesn't."... "I'm not good at future planning. I don't plan at all. I don't know what I'm doing tomorrow. I don't have a day planner and I don't have a diary. I completely live in the now, not in the past, not in the future."...."It's like anything in life, visualizing the old man you're going to become: As long as you have a clear picture of that - the life you want to lead - eventually you'll probably get there."...."I love sitting around holding hands. Just spending time with someone, doing nothing, can be romantic."....And this is what TWLOHA wrote about Heath after he passed: "He was an artist, and in that - he was a damn good one. And the little bit i've read suggests he was a man who had no interest in the celebrity game - he saw right through it. He desired to be a person, not a product. He desired real things. He valued love. He believed in it. He was a father. The great tragedy of this day is not that the world lost a famous actor. The great tragedy is that a little girl lost her daddy today. Sisters lost a brother and parents lost a son. A story ended much too soon."
Some of your other fandoms: The Office, TDK, Golden Girls, Bob Dylan. that's really about it..
Are you looking for new friends? absolutely!
Anything else? Umm... no lol.
One last thing, favorite Heath pic: I have a lot..but here's a few.
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