(no subject)

Feb 19, 2004 22:09

Do you ever have one of those times when you wake up and this person that you thought you really liked, you suddenly don't see what you were thinking? It's like one of those old-fashioned switchboards and the operator has pulled out your line from one port and put it into another.

Today, I looked at this interview I was reading about John Mayer and my brain just clicked over. The operator pulled the line. I know you people think I'm nuts. I like to think that I wouldn't have started thinking that way in the first place except for that dream and hearing his voice. But I will admit, there is a part of me that likes the way he thinks. Or is that the way I think he thinks?

See, that's my problem. I'm projecting again. I'm a foolish, stupid girl who reads words that her own mind thinks and believes that it's the truth. Do I know it's the truth? HELL NO I DON'T! I don't know him. I don't even know anyone who knows him or anyone who knows anyone who knows him. And so, I give up. I am beyond this. I am better than this.

Is it horribly conceited of me to think that everyone would love to be my friend? That I am so interesting that it's not possible for a reasonable, interesting human being to NOT want to be my friend if they get to know me? It probably is. But I think that's how I think. Ever since I was 8 years old, I've known that I had a great purpose in life. But I don't have any idea what that is yet. And I tend to assume that everyone else knows how special I am. BIG MISTAKE.

Oh, well.
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