[Public] Driving Adventure

Jul 27, 2010 23:00

I discovered last night that my debit card was MIA, as i mentioned in the last line of last night's post. After searching through three purses, my backpack, my car and the trash, I decided it probably wasn't in my apartment. I thought really hard about where it might be; when was the last time i'd used it? The answer, of course, was on the way home from visiting my cousins I stopped at a random Chili's in some random town. I wasn't even 100% sure about which town it was in!

So today at lunch I called two Chili's that looked on the route. The second one had my card. So i asked a co-worker if she wanted to take a road trip, and we went to get it after work. The way there was pretty uneventful, and I got the card without a problem. But Chili's isn't my favorite place (I only stopped because it was the only thing I'd seen that was still open in quite some time) and we were hungry. And there was a Carrabba's across the street.

We drove for something like 15 miles to get to that Carabba's.

The Carabba's was behind a fence. We didn't see the entrance, but we saw a road forking off the road we were on that seemed to go to the side of the fence, after the fence turned, so we assumed the entrance was over there. Turns out, it wasn't. And in fact, that "forking off" road was the entrance to a highway. So i went "oh, crap" and turned on my GPS to ask it how to get back there. It said to take the next exit to u-turn... in 7 miles. Well, oh well, right? So i exited there. And it told me to take the second left. But turns out, there was only one left. And in not taking it, I dumped myself right back out on the highway again. Then it told us to take the next exit, in 4 miles. So ... oh well, right?

So my co-worker and I are talking. I remember seeing it tell me the exit was in 1.2 miles. The next thing I know, we are on a 2 lane road. I look around. The following conversation happens.

me: Huh? How did we get here? I thought we were on a highway!
her: There is corn on this road!
me: (looking around) hey, you're right! Do you remember me exiting?
her: hm. no.
me:Oh well, the GPS says to turn right up here, so I will.

And i did. Now the road is super curvy, we're driving kind of slow. All we see is either cornfields, or thick forest. And a guy driving a 3-wheeler down the road. Both of us are laughing, because it reminds us of home (I'm from Maine, she's from New Hampshire).

We pass a sign that says "Green Branch" and found this incredibly funny.

Then i come around a corner and there is a bridge. And the road gets really narrow. And the bridge only has one lane. I start to question my GPS. We cross the bridge fearing for our lives because it is rickety and surely it will fall in the water or else someone will come barreling along in the other direction and smash into us and kill us all. But we make it. And the road gets wider. And the houses get big and well manicured. And suddenly we are on the road behind the fence and there is Carrabba's right there on our left.

image Click to view

We decided to take that road home, also, so I could get the track saved on my GPS (didn't have that mode on when we went the first time) and we took this video. And another one but it's long. On the way back, we noticed "Nannie's Petting Farm" (which my co-worker swears must be a strip club) and that "Green Branch" is a river (much more obvious from this direction). And also that the highway just .. turns into a curvy two lane road with corn, there was no exit.

videos, travel, funny

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