[Public] My day

Jul 15, 2010 23:59

I am too tired to think of something to do with saving, so instead I will just save time by babbling on about my day instead of thinking about it, and maybe something about saving will pop in there.

I was awakened by the cleaning lady knocking on my door at about 9:15 because I'd forgotten to set my alarm last night at the ungodly hour I went to sleep after slamming out a poorly written paper for an education conference. She said she'd do another apartment and come back, and I showered and made my latte and rushed out the door, still making it to work by 10am (if we are later than 10am we have to give notice that we will be late and that's annoying so I always shoot for it).

Felt somewhat ill all day, so it was annoying to do my work. Spent a lot longer implementing an obvious solution than shoudl have taken because i spent far too much time staring at the screen, and then running scripts in the wrong order or on the wrong files. By 6:01 I started things going, hopefully in the right order, and came home. Then i went to sleep. Now I am waiting for my co-author to respond to my emails and hopefully submit by the deadline (midnight pacific, which I forget is 3 hours from now instead of 2).

Good night.

research, health, random, programming

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