[Public] ctrl+s

Jul 04, 2010 23:57

Oop, just realized I only have 10 minutes left to post this entry. Which is too bad, because the thing I -wanted- to write about will take longer than that. So i guess it will wait until tomorrow. But that means i have to come up with something new to say. And now with only 8 minutes to spare.

seven minutes...

Ok. So my fiancé is obsessive about saving his work. He has trained himself to type ctrl+s after every sentence. After every line of code. Of course, he also does this when typing email, or filling in a box on a website, which does the completely wrong thing.

But in a way, perhaps it is better than me, who almost never remebers to save until the very end. And every so often the computer crashes, and I lose it all.

Stupid computers.


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