[Friends] WTF Texas.

Jan 05, 2009 21:50

Two days ago, it was 80 degrees. I went for a walk wearing long pants and regretted it. It was fucking hot. It was January 3. WTF. I mean, Who Am I to complain about 80 degree weather in January, but ... seriously. Did the world forget it was winter?

And then, I guess, it suddenly remembered. When we got out of the TSO concert around 11pm on the 3rd, it was still in the high 60s.

And now... this:

Access Blocked

A tree next to the driveway is weighted down with ice. I had to crash through it to leave today.

Access Denied, II

These are just bushes along another part of the driveway. Again I just had to crash right through. Usually they stand up straight.

Frozen Berries

Ice frozen around berries on a bush in the front yard. They're trapped!

Icy Close Up

I love this.

Ice on a bush

From the doorstep, the ice looks even more dramatic.

Tree over house

I think it looks pretty with all the ice on it.

Another tree near the house

Better view of the ice on this one :)

I wish the damn weather would make up its mind. And these photos were taken hours ago, around 3pm. It's worse now, but dark so I can't get good photos.

texas, weather, photos

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