Dec 13, 2020 14:54

Alright everyone, here's the deal.

I have some "lists" - basically, friends filters, pertaining to certain topics. If you want to get in on a topic, let me know here, and I will add you to the filter. You will only see posts about these topics if you are on that particular filter. By default you are on ZERO lists. If you want to be on one of these lists, comment on this post and I'll put you on.

If we became friends through mission101 have automatically been added to that filter. If you are a penpal you have automatically been added to my penpal filter. If you'd like to be on any other filter (including my normal every day post filter), just ask.

Here are the proposed topics so far - and I'll add more if I think of any, with an update here.

1. General - This is for normal posts. Pretty much everyone who is added to my friends list is added to this automatically [exceptions: penpals, mission101 groupies]. If for some reason you -don't- want to see this, let me know... Random stuff about what's going on in my life. Basically anything that doesn't fit into the categories below. Sometimes ranting, sometimes thinking, sometimes sharing news, sometimes discussing current events... whatever.

2. Penpals - anyone who is already my penpal is automatically added to this list - it tells when I send and receive letters and packages, as well as any notifications if for some reason I am sick, at a funeral, etc that will limit my ability to return letters in a timely fashion.

3. Books - Each time I finish a book, I write up a small review, crossposted from my Goodreads account. If you're interested in what I'm reading, feel free to request to be added to this list. Feel free to tell me your thoughts on any of these books.

4. Programming/School assignments - I know a lot of you don't know or care anything about programming at all. So if you're not interested in seeing or hearing about my coding issues, refrain from signing up for this one. I ALMOST NEVER post here, but maybe someday toward my PhD work, others about some of the projects I'm working on for Mission 101.

5. Mission 101 - Hopefully there will be a lot of these posts. One for each goal I reach, or thereabouts.

6. Relationship - I don't make a lot of posts about me and Ryan, but I know some people don't like to hear about other people's relationships. If you're one of those, don't request this one...

7. Memes - If you hate quizzes, surveys, lists of banned books that I may or may not have read, games, etc, etc, etc, Do not sign up for this list. I -usually- do not tag people, so don't worry about me forcing you to do the memes.

8. Dreams - Here I (very rarely) post summaries of dreams I have.

NOW DEFUNCT: Food Journal

That's all I can think of for now, If there are any additions, I will let you know.

Every post I make will have the list name as the first part of the subject. For instance, this one is [Public] because it is a public post.


If you are looking for recent posts to my journal, scroll down. This is a permanent header and not a real post. Thank you.

informative, lj stuff

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