May Response: dramaticmuses

May 27, 2007 16:55

Title: Nothing Left
Prompt Number/Prompt: 014. Violate
Character/Fandom: Dean Winchester // Supernatural
Word Count: 363
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Spoilers for "All Hell Breaks Loose" Pts. 1 & 2, Character Death.
Summary: Dean tries to figure out where to go from here.

He got there too late.

He had promised to protect his brother, he had promised to save him, and he was too late. He watched as that sonuvabitch shoved the knife into his brother’s back, and was too far away to do anything about it. He would have shot the bastard, taken him out-hell, Dean would even have taken the knife himself-anything to save his brother. But he couldn’t do it. And now he was alone. No one left.

He stared at his brother’s body, laid out in front of him on the mattress, racking his brain for a way to bring him back. He wasn’t going to be alone. He couldn’t be alone. There had to be some way to give him his family back. Because he knew he wasn’t going to make it on his own. Not without Sam.

He heard Bobby telling him that he needed to get back on his feet, prepare for the war, prepare to fight, but what the hell was Dean going to fight for? He had nothing left. He had lost everything to that damn demon, he wasn’t going to keep fighting. If the demon wanted to end the damn world, it was fine by him. He wasn’t going to stand in the way anymore.

Bobby left and he just sat there. He was tired. He was tired of all the weight on his shoulders with having to save the world and protect the people in it. He was done if he didn’t have Sam. And if the world was going to end, he didn’t have to worry about it. He would be dead soon anyway. Wouldn’t have to figure out how to live life with no family, no home.

But he couldn’t just let the world end, no matter how much he wanted to. He had a job to do, a responsibility to carry out. As much as he hated the job, as much as he wanted it to end, he couldn’t just let it end. If he wasn’t going to do it without Sam, there was only one thing he had left to do.

He had to go find a crossroads.

[community] dramaticmuses

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