Mostly a big Supernatural update! May Contain Spoilers! U have been warned!!!

Jul 16, 2010 01:01

So, I know its been a while, but I've been so busy with getting everything ready for college,which I can't believe starts in almost a month! I'm also going on a weekend trip so I probably wont be updating this weekend; so I thought I would go ahead & update. lol ( Read more... )

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phantomtravel3r August 8 2010, 06:00:59 UTC
that's wonderful that jensen has directed an episode of supernatural. nice to hear that he's branching out to other things. by the way, have you seen "batman: under the red hood"? jensen played the voice of red hood in that. i got it on blu-ray when it came out. more special features. besides, i'm such a whore for dcau and bruce w. timm and co's animated work! lol :p love the quality of the animation, narratives, and voice casting. won't talk more about "red hood" until i've know you've seen it. other than that, back to spn. let's catch up on season five sometime! have you seen "toy story 3" or "inception" yet? i rec both. esp. inception. love nolan's work. amazing that he wrote, directed, and produced it. triple threat! love that the film dealt with dreams. that's always fascinated me. i'm going on a trip as well. next month. hope i'm back in time for it! well, i should be. school starts before then... as for other shows i've been getting into that i would love to discuss sometime if you do watch them: Lie to Me, NCIS, Warehouse 13, Eureka, Star Trek: Voyager. other than shows and films, hope you're doing well with college. i'm on my summer break. but am looking into the english major. not leaning to the screenwriting one anymore. been reading alot of ncis and ncis/spn fanfiction. working on ideas for my own writing. well, ttyl!


Replying back.... dean_sam_lover August 9 2010, 04:04:03 UTC
Hey! I was excited to hear about Jensen directing an episode of SPN. It's about time he showed off his other talents besides acting and just being plain hot. lol. As for Batman: under the red hood, I haven't seen it yet, but if I get the chance I will check it out. As for SPN, what did you think of Season Five? As for seeing Toy Story 3, I recently seen it in IMAX 3D! It was pretty good. I really enjoyed it even though its a children And I've been wanting to see Inception. I just haven't gotten around to it. I'll let you know when I've seen it and we will discuss it. Have fun on your trip! I just got back from the beach a few hours ago. lol. As far as the other shows you watch.. I've seen Warehouse 13. It's just like the show Fringe. I believe they gotten the plot and everything from Fringe since it was on television first. But still a great series. I've been watching Vampire Diaries and Pretty Little Liars as well as a few other shows. As for College, I start classes next week as well as my work study job. As of right now, my major is Nursing. I've been thinking about switching to a English major but I'm not quite sure yet. I've been trying to get caught up on some reading myself. Right now I'm reading the latest House of Night novel..gonna start reading the newest Supernatural tie-in book soon. Good luck with your writing and all! Let me know if you post one & I will be sure to read it and give feedback! ttyl!


Re: Replying back.... phantomtravel3r August 10 2010, 12:45:05 UTC
can't wait to see the episode jensen directs. nice that he branched out to do a bit of voice acting for bruce w. timm and co. gosh, i love their work for dcau! anyways... i think you can find "batman: under the red hood" on youtube. i decided to get the blu-ray version for it had more special features about certain characters and additional batman/dcau stuff. as far as big screen movies go, i have yet to see one in imax. i will someday. normally, i like to see a movie for the first time in the regular formatt. then do other formatts after that. i'm sort of a film purist that way. before my trip, i'm trying to hang out with my friends as much as possible. we went shopping for comics and made jewelery yesterday. that was alot of fun. going to try and do a scanvaneger hunt this week. trying new stuff! as for tv shows, i haven't seen fringe. well, only one episode this year or last. don't like that many of the fox shows. only watch it for "lie to me". have you seen that? anyways, i really like warehouse 13. great artifacts and pete is so funny! awesome guest stars too. from other syfy and sf shows. hope to see more people from various star trek shows! esp. tng and voyager. speaking of pretty little liars, haven't seen it, but i've heard that holly marie combs has a reoccuring role on that. i've been watching charmed again. watching it from the beginning. was really into it during middle school and a bit of high school. trying to see every episode and the complete series this time around. it was one of the earlier wb/teen targeted shows i got into at the time... too bad there isn't anymore thewb channel... *sigh* had alot of better shows... well, that i liked. as for college, i wish you luck. i have a few people in my family who have majored in nursing or something medical related. so, what do you read, fanfiction, comics, etc? i've been mostly wanting to read graphic novels, mangas, and comics myself. with stuff online, it's fanfics. still obsessed with spn/ncis crossovers. gosh, i have so got to catch up with spn books! about my writing, nothing new yet. it's going to take me a while to get material up and ready for others to read... by the way, do you do any writing for fun and have the time?


Re: Replying back.... dean_sam_lover August 12 2010, 02:09:02 UTC
I agree; I cant wait to see the episode of season six that Jensen directs. I've been trying to stay away from spoilers this season. As for the batman thing, I will have to check it out soon. Maybe once I get everything with college settled and situated, I will have time to see it. I only see movies in IMAX when I'm on vacation which is like once a year. lol. Thats great your spending time with friends before your trip! I'm trying to do the same before college starts next week! As for TV shows, I didn't watch Fringe a lot last season. I haven't seen Lie to me but the previews for it look really good. lol. I might check it out.. I've been watching Sons of Anarchy on FX. Season three comes back on the first week of September. Warehouse 13 is a good show too. I haven't really been watching it here lately though. I need to make time to get back into it. lol. As for Pretty Little Liars, Holly Marie Combs is really good in it. She's a great actress. I loved her in Charmed. I've been watching the reruns they show on tnt. I would like to watch it from the beginning though. Thanks for the well wishes on college. I start next week as well as my work study job. I'm hoping that Nursing is the right career choice for me but if not then I'm going to switch to teaching. I really have just been reading novels here lately. I haven't read a fanfic in quite sometime. I use to read the Supernatural comics, but I've been slacking a lot here lately with that. Hoping to get back into it though. Let me know if and when u write something, I will read it & give feedback! :) I would love to get back into writing, but I just don't seem to have the time anymore.


Re: Replying back.... phantomtravel3r August 16 2010, 02:28:38 UTC
i hope in the final season of spn they'll have alot of cool guest stars so that the show can go out with a bang. i would love to see scifi stars esp. from the various star trek series appear! anyways, one of these days i'll check out a movie in the imax formatt. so far there aren't any good ones out recently that meritt seeing it in imax... so, how's getting ready for college going and what exactly is a "study job" is that like tutoring or a study skills class? out of the shows i watch on syfy, i like warehouse 13 alot. funny, great scifi references, cool artifacts, and the occassional guest star. so awesome when they had rene auberjonis on! he was in "star trek: deep space nine". never seen that series. would like to. used to seeing him on "boston legal" and he played father mulcahy in the 1970 altman "m*a*s*h" film. too bad he didn't go on to do the series. but i still like william christopher as the padre never the less! lol :p have you ever seen mash? great show. really funny and great themes/topics it deals with. still a classic! and i agree, holly is a great actress so were her co-stars on charmed. too bad most of them haven't been anything major since charmed. well, holly on that liar show and shannen on the remake of 90210... but not alot of stuff... would love to see them guest on spn! i remember i used to love charmed back in middle school and early high school. my view and level that i like it and understand it is way different. but still a great show. wish you luck with your major! with me, i'm leaning towards english. but i can't see myself as a teacher. i have a hard enough time explaining things verbally! lol :p not my strong suit... in limited time... lol :p gosh, i would love to get back into reading novels! esp. stuff that is scifi and crime drama related. trying to get my hands on all the spn comics. got the graphic novel of "rising son" recently. but the series before that i can't find... any new comic series after those of yet? as for my writing... we'll see... and same to you, if you have any work you've done recently or in the past, let me know! i would like to read them as well.


Re: Replying back.... dean_sam_lover August 16 2010, 05:21:30 UTC
I agree.I hope they do have a lot of guest stars on the final season of spn.I would love to see Jeffery Dean Morgan make an appearance before the show ends. I would also like to see Sam's old girlfriend Jessica come back as well. It would be great to see how they would fit her into the plot of the show now. I'm pretty excited for the sixth season to come back on in September! As for IMAX movies, I'm really not big on them. I only see one maybe once a year and that's if I go on vacation. lol. As for college, I'm pretty excited and nervous all at the same time. I start my classes this Wednesday. And a work study job is a job that the college gives you on campus to help make extra money for expenses. I will be getting back $1,800 in like two weeks! Most of that though will be used for gas, lunch, more school supplies, & a new tattoo. lol. As for syfy shows, I'm not really a big fan of them. I've watched episodes of Warehouse 13 and it is a good show. I guess I can never seem to catch it when its on. I think I actually have seen some of the "Deep Space Nine" series. lol And yeah, I've seen a few episodes of Mash. It's not one of my favorite old shows though but its pretty good. As Holly, I really like her on Pretty Little Lairs and she was my favorite on Charmed. I've been trying to catch up on the seasons of Charmed when I have time. I agree, it would be great if the actresses would appear on spn. Thanks for the best wishes on my major. I'm going to give it a try. I should be in clinicals next year. As for spn comics, I have most of them. I would like to have the newest of them, but it's really hard to find a comic book store where I live. I might order them online though. I will let you know if I find any new spn comics coming out. I have wrote a few fanfics; they are somewhere in my blogs on live journal. lol.


Re: Replying back.... phantomtravel3r August 25 2011, 07:51:48 UTC
hey dawn! sorry it's been so long since i last replied. being on summer vacation gives me time to catch up on my lj and email stuff.

and same here, would like to see jdm and jessica reappear on the show. i'm amazed that spn got another season. the sixth was alright. hope more of the better writers will be around to write the show and wish eric kripke would come back to head the show. for now, spn is the only show i watch on the cw. if it weren't for that show, i would have no reason to watch their other programs. might check out the new one with sarah michelle gellar for a while called "ringer". yeah, she's finally back on tv! earlier this year, i got back into watching buffy and angel. buffy is hardly on tv anywhere. which sucks... maybe has it...

speaking of imax, i have seen at least two movies in that formatt but neither where formatted nor shot for imax formatt. the last two harry potter films. great altogether but love the first part better. not the imax part of it. i think in the future, if i go to see anymore in imax, try to see ones that were made for imax specificially. i think that was done with "batman begins" or "the dark knight"...

hope everything is going well with college! great that you're making money and getting it back.

last year, i did manage to see the early part of season one of deep space nine. but didn't like it all that much. still find that "the next generation" and "voyager" are the best of the star trek series.

i love mash. great acting and topics. something i can watch with my dad and friends.

as for spn comics, i did get the first spn comic but it's the one volume kind with all the issues in it. haven't kept track of spn comics and books in a while. not easy to find in stores these days...

tell me about the fics. like which fandoms, titles, what they're about and so forth so that i may find them. also, any links that you dig up would be great!

sorry again for my overdue response. would love to catch up and talk fandoms!


Re: Replying back.... dean_sam_lover September 2 2011, 06:55:59 UTC
Hey! It seems like its been forever since we've discussed shows and such. Hope your having a great summer! A lot of things have changed with me since we last talked. I am currently engaged and expecting a baby in October. I have converted all of my classes for college to online classes for this semester. So, we'll see how that goes. As for SPN, I really quit watching it about half way through the 6th season.However, if JDM or Jessica returned then I might have to go back to watching it. As for other shows on the CW thats about it. lol. I have been watching Pretty Little Liars on ABC Family & I might catch an episode of Secret Life now and again. As for Imax, I've only seen a few movies in the Imax format. I've seen Toy Story 3 and one other that I cant recall the name of it. As for Harry Potter, I loved both parts but I agree the first part was better. As for old tv shows, I really like "I Love Lucy" lol Its always been one of my favorites. I've also been watching a few episodes of GunSmoke. lol As for spn comics, I haven't been reading the news ones, if there even is new ones. I would like to read a few of the new spn tie-in novels. I really liked the first ones that came out. And as for fanfics, I don't really read them anymore.I think its been almost a year or so since I have. I almost completely forgot about my livejournal site until I received an email saying you had replied to a post of mine. Guess I need to update more often. I quit myspace and sites like that. Now I just basically do Facebook. Hope college and everything is going well! Hope to catch up soon!


Re: Replying back.... phantomtravel3r September 9 2012, 03:10:15 UTC
wow. it took me a year to get back to my lj comments. how bad an online friend am i? anyways, hi! wow, that's such great news! on grats. on the pregnancy which probably by now you have already had that the baby. how is that going for you?

as for supernatural, yeah. it's my top fandom anywhere. season 7 was sort of bad. surprised there's going to be another season. really seems like spn is not going to go out on top. other fandoms tv wise... alot of shows on syfy and bbc america. love british shows. you watch any shows on those networks? as for the shows you've mentioned, i've seen "i love lucy". pretty funny. can only watch so much of it at a time. do like how it is different. for that time anyways. female lead and comedy queen.

i don't have facebook myself. not sure if i'll ever get one. for now i'm sticking to lj. a lot of the arts centered here in interests. what i like about this place. as for quitting other social network sites, i did with xanga ages ago. not sure how many years going on by now...

on summer vacation. school is going alright. getting all the courses and units i need. making sure all adds up for my degrees for grad. well, talk to you soon and take care!


Re: Replying back.... dean_sam_lover April 29 2013, 12:33:04 UTC
Hey! Can't believe I'm just now replying back to this message. This time it's took me over a year to message back. Things have been so chaotic this past year and a half. I did have my daughter in October and she's now 18 months. I wouldn't trade it for anything it'd definite hard though that's for sure. I'm also a mother to a three month baby boy named Aiden. Their dad and I are planning on getting married at some point soon I think. As for school I'm graduating next semester and will have a teaching degree then I'm gonna go back and get my nursing degree. I also start working a full time job next week. I quit watching SPN a long time ago. I just can't seem to getting back into it. I did catch an episode or two of the last season and it seemed okay looked like a lot has changed. I've been watching some of the episodes from season one and two on Netflix though when I get the chance. Other shows I've been watching is the walking dead and American horror story. They're both really interesting. Those are really the only ones I've been watching. As for shows on bbc American I've watched a few not very many though. I've also been watching old episodes of charmed here recently too. I've been a stay at home mom for a little while and have been on a Netflix kick. I'm afraid though it won't be as much once I start work next week. I'm sure by now you've already graduated if so congrats ! I wish you many blessings in your future and current endeavors. :) I hope all is well. I'd love to catch up soon! :) take care!


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