Title: Love That Lasts A Lifetime
Summary: Jensen Ackles is forced into an engagement he does not want so that he can keep his momma’s place in polite society. Jared Padalecki is a poor adventurer who is rich in many other ways. Society would always keep them apart.
However, when the ship they are sailing on hits an iceberg, society no longer matters. Will these two unlikely lovers survive such a terrible disaster?
A/N Based on the movie Titanic and prompted by a search in Storyfinders. Let me know if this will hit the spot and I will carry on!!.
Disclaimers :I don’t own Jared or Jensen. James Cameron owns the rights to Titanic. I don’t even own an iceberg - so boo!.
“I do not understand the excitement momma,” Jensen fidgeted awkwardly in his new suit, his overcoat slung over his arm. “It is just a ship.”