My addiction is the result of a boring life lol, so here is another poll, actually four! Two for Deanie and two for Sammy!!
Oh and the results of my previous polls is here too ;D
Poll:Hurt!Winchesters The way you like to see Dean hurt the most is YEDTortouring Dean in Devil's Trap with 40 votes (37.7%) close followed by his 100 Deaths in Mystery Spot and Hospitalized Dean in IMTOD! The way you like to see Sam hurt the most is dying Sam in AHBL with 51 votes (51%) close followed by unlucky Sam in BDABR and Phsychic powers in Great Pumpkin.
Poll: Emotional Bromance Moments You eally love the emotionals scenes in our show so every scene I can honestly say is loved! But All Hell Breaks Loose scenes (Sam's death and Dean's speech) won big time for the season 1 & 2 poll. You voted Fresh Blood (Sam's heartwarming words to Dean) and AVSC (Sam makes christmas for Dean) lead there =)
SO, to today's vote!!! Most Sexy Dean Moments and Most Cute/funny Dean Moments! Most Sexy Sam Moments and Most cute/funny Sam Moments!
Poll Sexy Dean Moments
Poll Cute Dean Moments
Poll Sexy Sam Moments
Poll Cute Sam Moments
Mind you that there is A LOOOOOOOT of sexy and cute moments in Supernatural and I could not possibly have fitted everything in here! So of course if you have any other favorite moments so just tell us =D