Title: Wayward Son (Prologue and Scene 1)
Author: fanspired
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Warnings: Angst, Language, Relationship troubles, Sexual content, Canon-level violence and death.
Disclaimer: I write for love only. Supernatural belongs to Eric Kripke/CW
Note: Episode 7 in the series
The Song Remains the Same (Can be read as a stand alone story)
Characters: Sam, Dean, Bobby, other canon characters, original characters.
Genres: Alternate Universe, Case-fic, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Epic Romance.
Summary: Sam’s visions reveal another of the psychic children. Is he connected to a series of mysterious immolations? Is the yellow eyed demon involved? Sam's search for answers leads him home in more ways than one. Along the way, he and Dean discover they have a mutual friend in South Dakota, and Sam learns more than he wants to know about his relationship with Dean.