Title: Starving
Fandom: SPN
bythedamned Rating: PG
Wordcount: 1000
Genre: Gen
Warnings: fluff and mentions of torture
Spoilers: Up to an including 6x12
Disclaimer: Not mine, none of it, all characters belong to Kripke and the CW.
Summary: Did anyone else think that when Sam says he's starving in 6x12, Dean looked like he was about to break out his very best Sammy-grin? Sam's back, he's hungry, and Dean's ready to celebrate.
A/N: Love to
elveys_stuff for betaing, and for pointing out the ever present robo-crinkle in the first place.
He's starving. Lucifer probably eviscerated him on a daily basis just to fuck his innards, there's nothing but a flimsy rice-paper divide between him and the shattered bits of his soul that could sheer his sanity off in a mere blink, and Sam's biggest concern is that he's hungry.